The IPCC’s Totally Bogus 1871 Adventure

According to the IPCC, temperatures were cold in 1871, sea level was much lower, glaciers were content and the climate was much more stable. All of this utter nonsense – nothing more than well financed superstition. The same mindless superstition which infected academics in 1871.

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ScreenHunter_310 Jun. 25 08.14

We have often noticed that in the tabular statements of those compilers of weather records who write to the Times, useful and welcome as their communications are, every season is sure to be “extraordinary,” almost every month one of the driest or wettest, or windiest, coldest or hottest, ever known. Much observation, which ought to correct a tendency to exaggerate, seems in some minds to have rather a tendency to increase it.

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10 Jan 1871 – IMAGINARY CHANGES OF CLIMATE. (Pall Mall Gazette.)

The animated gif below compares 1871 sea level in La Jolla, California vs. a recent high tide picture. There has been no change.

America’s largest and deadliest forest fire occurred this weekend in 1871, after weeks of intense heat, drought and wind.

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15 Oct 1904 – Historic Forest Fires.

Chicago burned this weekend in 1871.

Massive fires occurred in Minnesota  in 1871

Alaskan glaciers were retreating eight feet per day

As you enter Glacier Bay in Southeast Alaska you will cruise along shorelines completely covered by ice just 200 years ago.

Explorer Captain George Vancouver found Icy Strait choked with ice in 1794, and Glacier Bay was barely an indented glacier. That glacier was more than 4000 ft. thick, up to 20 miles or more wide, and extended more than 100 miles to the St.Elias Range of mountains.

By 1879 naturist John Muir found that the ice had retreated 48 miles up the bay. By 1916 the Grand Pacific Glacier headed Tarr inlet 65 miles from Glacier Bay’s mouth.

Florida was hit by two hurricanes within two weeks in August, 1871 – including a major hurricane. It has now been eight years since Florida was hit by any hurricane, and since the US was hit by a major hurricane.

In 1871, the New York Times was worried about climate change, just like they are now. Nothing has changed – intellectuals are just as stupid and misinformed as they always were.

Most climate experts think they are very smart, but actually don’t know jack shit about climate in the real world.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to The IPCC’s Totally Bogus 1871 Adventure

  1. Ben says:

    Nothing new under the sun, not even the gullibility of each generation to quack science…

    May the facts be with you

  2. mikegeo says:

    What a great collection of fact and detail. Thanks.
    I’ve always thought we don’t teach kids these days enough about history (natural and social), and as a result, they have nothing against which to weigh current events. I doubt schools will re-introduce this anytime soon. Mores the pity.

  3. orson2 says:

    “Ditto that” to several comments above.

  4. Andy DC says:

    How dare you keep presenting factual disinformation! That is an outrage! Only IPCC created disinformation is the right kind of disinformation.

  5. tom0mason says:

    The coal driven SUVs of 1865-1870 were powerful beasts!

  6. papiertigre says:

    Here’s a tidal island off the south coast of Cornwall England, St. Michael’s Mount, (pic from 1900).
    At mid tide to low water the causeway is passable to foot traffic from the Town of Marazion.
    Pretty sure this picture was taken from Marazion Town Hall tower.
    So mid to high tide, 1900, well trafficked area {there has to be somebody that writes down the time when the path opens and closes}. Could there be English amongst us who could dig up a modern shot from the Tower?

    That way you could have two blink comparators, One for the New World, one for the old. One for the Pacific, one for the Atlantic.

  7. kuhnkat says:

    “The animated gif below compares 1871 sea level in La Jolla, California vs. a recent high tide picture. There has been no change.”

    No change?? Take a closer look. The water level in the recent picture is LOWER!!

    Is it isostasy or just the tide lower. Only the creator knows for sure!!


  8. Laz M says:

    Agree with kuhnkat … sea level at La Jolla is probably a bit lower … there are some small rocks off to the lower-right that cannot be seen in the 1871 picture, but surface in the recent image.

  9. Anthony Bremner says:

    So I wonder if this 60 yr sea level cycle has been considered at all in government calculations of sea level. It seems they are they are just talking about the PDO cycle. I heard that NOAA numbers are saying sea level rise is now 1.4 mm per year but I have not confirmed.

  10. Anthony Bremner says:

    I found this NOAA paper that gives sea level readings from .2mm per yr to 1.6mm. 2005 to 2012.

  11. slimething says:

    All the sea level rise is hiding in the middle of the oceans. That’s why they can’t provide any photographic evidence.

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