The Vast Majority Of Welfare Recipients Are Democrats

63% of welfare recipients are black or Hispanic, and those groups vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

ScreenHunter_1248 Oct. 03 23.01 welfare policy.pdf

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to The Vast Majority Of Welfare Recipients Are Democrats

  1. Paul in Sweden says:

    Surprise Surprise Surprise

  2. Otter says:

    Not to worry, once oh!bummer!care kicks in, that number will go up. Then, when global, US-funded Geoengineering kicks in……

    • Paul in Sweden says:

      Hey, this has been on my mind for awhile now. It is way off in distant time but if humanity is around and has the ability to colonize an earth like planet and we had the technology to terraform it; what temperature/humidity and starshine radiance would we choose?

  3. Avery Harden says:

    Most of these “Democrats” live in red states and obviously aren’t winning many local elections with their votes. These red state governments provide the worst education and health care to their citizens of anywhere in the country. If these people could catch a break from their red state overseers, and get out of the hole they are in, they could become more productive citizens.

    • Ah uttended de univarisity of Rice in Huston called de Haavaard of de south and we is all just so stupid flat arthers

      Ah dudnt realize that de Philerdelphia un dertroit and cheekago are in de south

      • Avery Harden says:

        I base it on highschool test scores, numbers of people without health insurance and average income levels statewide. I’m pretty sure Pennsylvania and Michigan rate higher than most red states in all those categories. The blue states certainly have their issues, but there is more of an effort to acknowledge the problem and do something about it. Detroit is a special case and contrary to your presumption, has noting to do with ideology.
        I lived in the South till I was thirty and don’t recall bumping into a single black person with a college education. I bump into highly sophisticated, educated , accomplished black people all the time up here in my blue state region. That is mainly what I was referring to. You all think blacks are inferior because that is what you see. Believe me, get off their backs and their potential can match your accomplishments any day of the week.

        • Lou says:

          Bullshit. I lived in Houston till I graduated from HS and lived everywhere. It is Democrat’s fault. I was the only white player on the first defensive football team and did pretty well to be on all district first team and academic team. University of Houston has all kinds of races/ethnics that I never saw elsewhere on college level. Where I grew up is in Barbara Jackson Lee’s district. Blacks would try and mug me on several occasions when I rode my bike around the neighborhood. They nearly got me killed one time.

          Special case, my ass. It is all Democrat’s failed policies.

  4. Shazaam says:

    Fascinating that poverty statistics will break-out the Hispanics and crime “statistics” do not.

    Whatever serves the agenda of the moment I suppose.

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