They Are Openly Trying To Destroy The Constitution Now

ScreenHunter_1657 Oct. 19 09.06

19 October 2013 3:55pm


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to They Are Openly Trying To Destroy The Constitution Now

  1. edonthewayup says:

    When he was singing those songs in the 60’s and 70’s Central and South America were going thru ruthless revolutions at the time and they understood very well the meaning of their lyrics as well as the communist revolutionaries did too. They fueled a lot of war, blood shed and violence, and also destroy whole economies, societies, and generations to come.

  2. Rob says:

    Thank you Mr. Goddard, that was great. And a wonderful reply, that is sure to leave characters like Balaam scratching their ‘collectivist’ heads

  3. Andy DC says:

    The frightening thing is there are already several current Supreme Court justices who believe that the Constitution was the creation of property owning, minority oppressing, heteronormative, male chauvinist pigs. If Hillary gets elected in 2016, you might as well throw your copy of the Constitution into the dumpster.

  4. edonthewayup says:

    Reblogged this on Edonurwayup's Blog and commented:
    The goal of empire domination for the godless social left is still alive and kicking.

  5. Ragtag Media says:

    Balaam returned to King Balak and informed the king on how to get the Israelites to curse themselves by enticing them with prostitutes and unclean food sacrificed to idols. The Israelites fell into transgression due to these traps and God sent a deadly plague to them as a result (Numbers 31:16).

  6. gator69 says:

    Balaam probably thinks communism is a new idea.

  7. Avery Harden says:

    Crazy seems to be the new normal over here.
    Recent souring of public opinion on the obstructionists in Congress is a healthy reminder of America’s propensity for political renewal.

    • Kepler says:

      To seem crazy to the cocksure stupid is actually a complement. So thank you.

    • Are you looking to be spam?

      The House of Representatives is responsible for the budget. They sent one to the Democrats, which refused to pass it. Then Obama threatened to default and got his communist press corpse to blame it on the Republicans. Obama is not a friend of the US.

      • Avery Harden says:

        That is not the way it went down. The sequestration agreement required that the senate and the house send representatives to the sequester reconcillation committee to agree to a compromise budget. The senate made repeated attempts to start that committee and the house refused. As we see now, the house, in an example of major legislative incompetence decided it could get what it wanted unilaterlly by black mailing the democrats into surrender.
        And the rest is history.

  8. Don says:

    By hook or by crook they will get their way. The courts do their part. Amnesty for 11-20 million people who have zero connection to our legal system and Constitutional way of life (2nd Amendment is one). Throw in 30-50 million relatives of those who get amnesty. Talk about tripling legal immigration over the next decade on top of that, mostly from third world countries naturally. See where that’s headed. A very controllable population.

    Clinton said shortly after leaving office that he couldn’t wait for the day whites were a minority in America. Agenda, agenda.

  9. Obama said he did not like the Constitution in a Chicago radio interview when he was a state Senator in Springfield, IL. The reason: It did not allow the redistribution of income that he favored. Of so of course, he and the other Democrat Socialists such as Justice Ginsburg, simply ignore the Constitution.

    The Declaration of Independence clearly states that the legitimate purpose of government is the protection of individual rights, broadly defined as to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Preamble to the Constitution sets the terms of the contract the People have mandated that the government will observe, namely that the government will insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the General Welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity. It then enumerates a very few powers of government designed to make its sphere of influence small and that of the individual in the private sector much, much larger.

    This is consistent with a government just big enough to defend us, but not big enough to use a great deal of force, as is the essential nature of government, to control our lives and deprive us of our liberties. Government was small so the use of force and the fight over the power that represents would not divide the People and cause the destruction of the domestic tranquility. The General Welfare then was understood to mean that government was to function so that everyone’s welfare was promoted, not just that of a majority, or that of the poor, or that of the middle class. Everyone’s interest, which was mostly in their liberties, was to be promoted. That understanding of the General Welfare has been horribly corrupted.

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