Tough Times Ahead For Climate Groupies

Climate groupies are just starting to understand that their academic heroes were actually the stupid and evil ones.

Their world is getting turned upside down.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Tough Times Ahead For Climate Groupies

  1. Karl says:

    I wish this were true. Climate Change/AGW is taught in public schools as fact. What the students should be taught is critical thinking. They would then become Climate Skeptics/Realists.

  2. Chewer says:

    People haven’t changed for 10’s of thousands of years.
    Some are gullible and like to be lead, while others are indifferent and many do actually decipher what is real and what isn’t!
    Selective pruning within societies isn’t what it used to be -:)

  3. Jody says:

    John Moses Browning didn’t have any letters after his name. The fella I know that has a patented cure for cancer don’t have letters after his name. Hard to trust them letters sometimes. -Though the scarecrow got pretty smart after the wizard awarded him his THD, I figure I’d lend an ear to what he may have to say.

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