Understanding Bipartisan Transparency

Obama promised to end bipartisanship and lack of transparency.

He accomplished this by forcing through a massive socialist healthcare monstrosity without a single Republican vote, or opportunity to see the secretly drawn up legislation prior to the vote.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Understanding Bipartisan Transparency

  1. Cornelius says:

    Why would you want the opportunity to see a bill before voting? Didn’t you get the memo from Nancy regarding the proper sequence of events in legislative process?

  2. kbray in california says:

    “secretly drawn up legislation” is now business as usual.
    The criminals need to be called out and chased out.
    Most of Congress has become an anathema.

  3. I find it difficult to believe that the legislature of the nation which holds itself up as the model of democracy conducts its legislative business in this manner, expecting the members of its House to pass a Bill without first reading it, arguing the merits of each provision and clause, and rewriting those parts that do not meet with approval. This is why the UK Parliament, and the German Bundestag, conduct their affairs in a very different manner.

    NO legislation is ever passed without first being read, then debated in detail in Committee or in the open chamber, amended, and read a second time, so it can be argued over each and every amendment, and it must, in its final draft form, pass a third reading before it can become law. Even then, in Germany, a major change to any aspect of Constitutional importance, must then pass a test in the Constitutional Court, in the UK, receive the approval of the Upper House as well and then the Royal Assent. There is no way at all that a Bill could be presented, unread, passed, and become law in the UK or any western European parliament, in the manner this Obamacare Bill has been rammed through Congress.

    Democratic? Not as I understand it. Not at all.

  4. mwhite says:

    Steve you’ll love this


    “A perfect example of Darwinism at work, and one we can only hope more climate catastrophists follow:”
    Andrew Bolt

  5. Pathway says:

    Bipartisan is when Repulicans stand Bi while Democrats are partisan.

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