Understanding Democratic And Republican Startegy

Democrat and Republican leaders are trying to label Ted Cruz as being the person who desperately tried to delay the disastrous launch of Obamacare.

That ought to make him the most popular politician in America going into the 2014 elections.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Understanding Democratic And Republican Startegy

  1. Wyguy says:

    He is certainly popular with me.

  2. The Iconoclast says:

    It seems like the Republicans should not be trying to postpone it. By the midterm elections next year huge numbers of people will be in violation (and theoretically being fined) for not having enrolled and the true costs of the Affordable Care Act will finally be becoming understood as a huge increase in health care costs for all the workers, and the Democrats will likely get drubbed.

    Strategically it should be the other way ’round… Democrats pushing for a delay until after November and Republicans pushing that it has to go into effect on the legally mandated date.

    I guess the Republicans think they’ll never be able to stop it, but with a Democrat president with veto power, it’s hard to see how they can do anything effective to defund O-care until after a Republican presidential win in 2016, even if they get control of the Senate in ’14.

    • The House of Representatives controls the budget. They could have defunded Obamcare by simply sending a budget over to Obama which didn’t include funding for Obamacare. What a bunch of morons.

  3. gator69 says:

    I have become a fan of his father as well…

    “There was Rafael Cruz in Des Moines, Iowa, last month, speaking to ministers at the Marriott hotel and collecting business cards in the lobby; a month later, he was in Ames, Iowa, pacing the stage at a conservative summit and drawing cheers for his broadsides against President Obama. His fiery speech at a FreedomWorks event in July drew heavy praise from talk radio.
    Rush Limbaugh especially loved how Rafael Cruz compared the president’s “hope and change” message to Fidel Castro’s appeal decades ago. “This guy is knocking it out of the park!” Limbaugh exclaimed.”


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