Understanding Interest In Obamacare

Obamacare proponents have been bragging that the system is failing due to too many hits overwhelming the computers.

Amazing how a thug government forcing people to purchase a product with threats of fines and harassment by the IRS, and then sending them to broken web sites where they reload ten times before they give up can increase their hit count.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Understanding Interest In Obamacare

  1. Ben says:

    Don’t underestimate the rubber-necker effect.

  2. Kepler says:

    The big private-sector guys such as Facebook and Google, who routinely handle hundreds of millions of users each day with ease, are probably ROFLTAO at this government-developed fiasco.

    And now we have a big government-developed healthcare plan in effect. I wonder how that will turn out.

  3. Paul in Sweden says:

    OK… You simply can’t make this stuff up….

    Need health care coverage? Just dial 1-800-F**KYO to reach Obamacare’s national hotline

  4. Patrick Hannon says:

    Don’t get me started. Every right minded person understood what tying Obama Care to the IRS meant. You didn’t have to place law enforcement wording in the bill. If you owe money to the IRS, eventually you’ll have two government goons with guns at your front door. And the press wonders why so many people attempted to sign up. The implicit intimidation worked, and the misunderstanding that this is free, just like Obama phones.

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