Understanding IPCC Attribution

The IPCC is 95% certain that recent warming is outside the range of natural variability, and is your fault.

The figure below is from the first IPCC report in 1990, and I added the recent attributions taken from AR-5.

ScreenHunter_1860 Oct. 25 22.51

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Understanding IPCC Attribution

  1. gregole says:

    So climate changes by itself; or by natural causes, independent of Mankind.

    May I present a personal view by meas of a question?

    What is precisely meant, in climate science, as natural causes.

    There is so-called Man Made Global Warming, and let’s just face it, European and American Man-Made Global Warming, but it seems there is an inconvenient disconnect; it all has happened before; and said ethnic group used the atmosphere as a “sewer” for our exhalations and our innovations.

    This disconnect is attributed to natural causes.

    I would posit that when the leaned invoke said natural causes it is simply code for they haven’t any idea what they are talking about.

    And as long as we are dramatically within historical bounds of climate, how can any conclusion be made that anything other than “natural causes” are to blame?

    In other words, we have no idea what we are talking about; when it comes to climate.

  2. geran says:

    Wording on chart (“Natural”, “Your Fault”) is hilarious!

  3. paul scott says:

    Global warming

    I see that the global warming Religion is so hysterical it is able to ascertain that each and every earthly disaster is now a direct result of man made global warming. Australia is having wicked bush fires 25 Oct
    Al Gore put his toes in the fire by informing Australia that this was global warming in action. But the Australia military said no, they were sorry but one of their ordinances had exploded starting the fire.
    Then well some mad bitch called Christian Figueres from UN Climate Change, nasty bitch said that Australia ‘was paying the price of carbon’ .
    Abbot said she was ‘talking through her hat’

  4. Ok so it’s my fault. Who do I send the check to?

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