September is over, and ignorant lay people are no longer permitted to look at this death spiral graph!
COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
The rules have changed however, and you are no longer allowed to look at it in September either.
Here are the graphs you refuse to show.
Why does that graph stop at 2009?
So where is the Antarctic chart? In the interests of balance and to confirm your argument? Or is that an inconvenient truth? The believers call it “Global Warming” not “half a sphere Warming”, don’t they?
Antarctic sea ice is at record highs? Oh dear how Very inconvenient. The south just won’t cooperate with the CAGW religion.
Did anybody ever mention a “Death Spiral”?
Western Arctic extents (Beaufort, Chukchi, E. Sib. seas) are near the 90’s avg for this date Oct 5.