Virginia Hurricanes Have Disappeared

During the 19th century hurricanes in Virginia were quite common, but thanks to evil man-made CO2, Virginia hurricanes almost never happen any more – with only one hurricane in the last 60 years.

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HURDAT Re-analysis Chronological List of All Hurricanes

Terry McAuliffe says that Ken Cuccinelli’s thoughts control hurricanes in Viriginia, in which case Cuccinelli certainly deserves recognition for his accomplishment.

ScreenHunter_1827 Oct. 24 15.52

New Ad: Dem Terry McAuliffe to Make Virginia Weather Better? Retired Army Brigadier General Steve Anderson: ‘VA needs a governor developing policies that make extreme storms less likely’ – Alleges GOP candidate ‘Cuccinelli’s disbelief [in global warming] and refusal to combat it through new energy technology, means Virginia will likely see an increase in super-storms…putting [VA Guard’s] lives in danger’ | Climate Depot

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Virginia Hurricanes Have Disappeared

  1. gator69 says:

    Dad had very little good to say about Generals, worked with many, and I remember only two who received kind words. They were, and are, mainly politicians.

  2. beowulftoo says:

    Opps, There have been several hurricanes the last decade (in Virginia). They came from other states, but still did major damage. Are you saying that none struck Virginia FIRST? That one that destroyed NJ last year roared up the Chesapeake Bay, adversely effecting Virginia’s islands, and Eastern Shore. So I not sure of the source or accuracy of this report.

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