Washington DC Goes Into Lockdown Over An Unarmed Woman With A Baby In Her Car

Car chases are now national emergencies which have feds hiding under their desks.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Washington DC Goes Into Lockdown Over An Unarmed Woman With A Baby In Her Car

  1. kbray in california says:

    Not to be funny, but the response was Keystone Cops.

  2. Okie says:

    We’ll probably see tea registration next.

  3. Glacierman says:

    How unfortunate for the progressive left that none of the recent lunatic freak outs involved a white conservative male. Hard to advance the agenda when the perps don’t fit the “correct” demographic. I don’t even want to think about what the coverage of the Navy Yard shooting would have been, and still be, if the perp was a white guy.

  4. Don says:

    It was totally unnecessary to shoot (execute) this unfortunate woman. And the police pat themselves on the back and call themselves heroic.

  5. gator69 says:

    I cannot believe the Secret Service denied one of Obama’s ‘daughters’ a visit, she was only bringing him Skittles.

    Meanwhile, one of Obama’s sons was in a big hurry to pick up Skittles, and tried explaining that to an Oregon trooper, who simply did not like black people.


  6. Avery Harden says:

    If you guys could just see yourself the way the world sees you.

    • You speak for the world. Impressive.

      Anyone who disagrees with you is not part of the world.

      Remember when progressives embraced diversity? ROFLMAO

    • gator69 says:

      My parents used to ask me, ‘If your friends all jumped off of a cliff, would you follow?” I guess my answer was different from Avery’s.

      Plus, I find more people agree with me than disagree, as long as they are willing to listen to facts and leave emotions out of the picture. I used to work with 90% democrats, and once they got to know me, the vast majority told me that if I ever run for office they would vote for me. And that is because I am Libertarian with no agenda. Show me a better solution that does not infringe on your’s or anyone else’s individual liberties and I will support it. Period.

      Problem solving is simple if you understand the facts and forget about agendas.

  7. GoneWithTheWind says:

    I feel bad that what appears to be a mentally ill woman was killed while acting out her delusion. I notice that most in the media are very sympathetic to her problem as well. I cannot help but wonder if it were a white male if the sympathy and understanding would be the same.

    • gator69 says:

      I was disgusted to see congress giving the police a standing ovation, for overprotecting their (mostly) worthless hides. And I don’t recall them congratulating Zimmerman for stopping a real threat to society.

  8. Pathway says:

    I look in the mirror every morning and see a handsome, well adjusted, highly educated, logical person. What the lunatic left thinks of me is of no concern.

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