We Have A Winner!

Roland explains that the very high snow extent in recent winters is due to excess moisture in the air. Apparently Roland believes that Louisiana  just didn’t used to be humid enough to receive snow.

ScreenHunter_1852 Oct. 25 20.59

Five Of The Six Snowiest Winters Have Occurred Since David Viner Declared The End Of Snow | Real Science

ScreenHunter_1853 Oct. 25 21.02

The goal of the alarmist community is to arm useful idiots with just enough information to hurt themselves.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to We Have A Winner!

  1. gregole says:

    “A little learning is a dangerous thing;
    Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
    There shallow droughts intoxicate the brain,
    And drinking largely sobers us again.”
    Alexander Pope

    Yes, yes, heating causes snowing, and cooling causes snowing and Mankind’s CO2 causes snowing, and Mankind’s CO2 causes no snowing

    Drink deep; or taste not; or spout off like a total idiot.

  2. gofer says:

    It should be obvious that excessive moisture causes “wet” snow and little or no moisture creates “dry” snow.

    Just in case /s

  3. Bob722 says:

    So man made globull warming causes excess moisture, due to the heat, which in turn causes more snow, which does not require heat at all, while simultaneously causing massive drought from lack of moisture due to the same heat……..Man, that’s some clever, tricky and oh so sneaking kind of warming…..

  4. Andy DC says:

    Every idiot knows that the Ice Age was caised by global warming (sarc).

  5. Robertv says:

    And what is warming the oceans ? Not CO2.

  6. SMS says:

    Roland might be right if the snow line were now in Central Greenland; but it isn’t. It’s about where it’s always been. There are those times when snows are found in all of the 48 continental states. Proving that Roland is FOS.

  7. Pathway says:

    Steve: I think you need to have a Winner of the Year award. Something similar to the Fickle Finger of Fate award. Your readers could nominate different trolls with you as the sole judge of the event.

  8. John B., M.D. says:

    Anyone want to teach Roland about temperature gradients?

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