What Barack Obama Doesn’t Understand

Obama has surrounded himself with clueless, neurotic liberals who want to be told what to do. As a result he believes that he can talk America into following his third-rate 1917 Russia rerun.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to What Barack Obama Doesn’t Understand

  1. I love the music. It is an old favorite of mine. But, with respect I stand behind President Obama. Blessings, Barbara

    • I really don’t understand the idea of “standing behind” a politician. I take stands on issues, and can’t remember a single time when Obama was right about anything.

    • Sunsettommy says:

      Then you are one of his clueless,neurotic liberals who want to be told what to do.

      • Check out the name of my blog. I have spent a life-time taking care of people and working to change the world. I am a psych nurse, I helped start a Domestic Viollence shelter in the 70’s, I served on the board of directors for many non-profits. I helped to start a networking group for business and professional women. I have worked as the Donor Health Counselor at the American Red Cross. I am certified as a HIV counselor, as well as rape and domestic violence. I have worked at a women’s reproductive clinic. I have nine grandchildren and am retired. I now am a writer and painter and photographer. Oh, back in the 60’s I march and picketted. I lobbied in Harriburg for women and children’s rights. No one tells me what to do. I would say from your behavior you have no personal honor. It is fine to disagree. I encourage discussion from different sides of an issue. But you have lowered yourself to lowly name calling without knowing what you are talking about. Shame on you. Do not visit my blog again. .

        • That is wonderful what you do, but Obamacare is causing millions to lose full time work, and will cause millions more to lose their health insurance – because they can no longer afford it.

          How can you justify supporting the suffering Obama is bringing on, particularly when he lied about it so blatantly?

        • I went three years without health care. It was because of the crash which lies at the feet of corporate America. The world is changing and we must change with it. Obama inherited the crash and the aftermath. Remember there are three sides to every story. Yours, mine and the truth. You must treat people with respect even if you do not agree. In America free speech is guaranteed, but it is to be respectful. I wish you a pleasant day.

        • You didn’t answer my questions, but I will point out that Obama didn’t inherit a mess, he created it.

          The economy was humming along just fine until Pelosi, Reid and Obama took over the Congress after the 2006 election.

        • Latitude says:

          Obama inherited the crash and the aftermath….

          Yes he did…he inherited it from the Democrats that were in control the two years before he took office..
          …that’s a tad inconvenient for you, isn’t it?

      • As a psych nurse I can assure you I am not neurotic. But you I don’ know anything about. Do not be rude to people or common. Different points of view are allowed and legal even for you.

        • Chuck says:

          Free speech guaranteed, hahah! ROFLMAO. Not any more! Also please proof read. I’ve had a few IPA’s I can see your liberal frustration.

    • GregM says:

      Why do people have to be so rude and angry?

    • With respect, you stand behind what he says, and then you disconnect your reason (purposefully, because that would spoil the “hope and change”) before realizing that is not what he does.

  2. David A says:

    Steven was not rude to you. You did not address his points. The crash was caused by govt policies by both the left and the right. The leveraged assets and mortgage scam was govt led all the way. Obama care will bankrupt the system, less will be insured.

  3. gofer says:

    It’s incredible the denial that those on the left have for the causes of the crash. It was documented in a book by two NY Times reporters. The facts are readily available but they refuse to acknowledge them because that would be acknowledging their worldview is disastrous. It started out by the govt forcing banks to open branches in poor neighborhoods, the “underserved” and Jesse Jackson and other activists pressured them into making loans on homes, cars, personal, etc. They were accused of redlining and the govt. threatened them This bubbled for several years as long as housing was going up because so many were refinancing and using their equity to stay in the home. No job,no credit, on welfare, no problem you could buy a house. Bush tried 17 times to get Congress to rein in Freddie and Fannie and Barney Frank, a year before the crash, said everything was fine and refused to see what was happening. Frank actually denied everything and said he always told people they should rent. They are insufferable. Just another catastrophe from the social meddling of the left. I don’t know if they just don’t care or if they are just plain ignorant of the consequences but they were also aware of their policies and the effect and that’s why they agreed to the bailout.

    • gator69 says:

      Don’t forget that Skeeter was a community disorganizer who not only backed ACORN’s agenda of intimidating banks into bad loan schemes, but actually trained some of those thugs. Without the pressure from Chicago thugs and corrupt politicians, we would never have had the housing collapse.

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