What Part Of This Graph Is The IPCC Not Able To See?

ScreenHunter_1300 Oct. 08 21.05

Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to What Part Of This Graph Is The IPCC Not Able To See?

  1. IPCC never looked at the graph. They don’t care about charts that dispute their motive. They only care about creating charts to promote it.

  2. Andy says:

    That’s a pretty impressive increase in ice since the minima, putting on the pounds more than me at Christmas. I actually thought it would be flatter than that.

    It could reduce ice thickness by spring though. The large extent means snowfall on top of it before things get really cold will insulate it against the cold to some extent so ice thickness is lower than normal. Conversely after 2007 the scientists discovered it put on thickness more than they expected.


  3. ntesdorf says:

    Answer: All of it . They cannot fit it into their World View and so it is of no use to them!

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