Why Would Any Footballer Play In France?

Obama’s fellow French warmonger has levied a 75% income (Obama must be jealous)  tax on all successful French people. Socialists everywhere believe that success must be punished and ultimately eliminated.

Hollande told reporters at Friday’s European Union summit that “the law must be the same for all” once the plan to implement a so-called 75-percent tax law on income above 1 million euros ($1.38 million) per year is approved.

Jean-Pierre Louvel, president of the Union of Professional Football Clubs, says the law would be “the death of French football” if it is pushed through. His union has threatened to boycott games in the league round scheduled for Nov. 29 through Dec. 2.

French President Stands by Soccer Tax Plan

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Why Would Any Footballer Play In France?

  1. John Edmondson says:

    Hollande is a joke. It’s OK for successful French people , London is only 3 hours away on the Eurostar.

    Bienvenue à mes amis.

  2. Ironically, Monaco, now one of the richest French clubs, is outside the French tax system.

    The other French clubs are furious that they cannot compete on even terms.

  3. SMS says:

    Good for Hollande, he has set about to destroy his own country. And like the two previous world wars, the US will come in and pick up the pieces and give out plenty of aid, and let another French moron back in power. DeGaulle, Hollande; what’s the difference.

  4. gator69 says:


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