You Did Build That

Progressives worked very hard to remove all values from education, and teach children that their parents are destroying the planet. Obama tells everyone that the US is evil and has to change.

Then progressives are surprised that children become sociopaths.

ScreenHunter_1880 Oct. 26 09.13

How many teachers have to be slain before Americans take action? | Jake Miller | Comment is free |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to You Did Build That

  1. GoneWithTheWind says:

    When and if the truth comes out this will be a simle case of a young psychopath who resented anyone especially a white female trying to get him to do something he didn’t want to do. Like most bullying psychopaths he choose a weaker victim. Sadly for him he will soon enter into an environment populated by psychopaths and he will be the weaker victim.

  2. Don says:

    It isn’t so much that the public has moved on as the mainstream media moves on, with their leftist agenda. They merely await the next Zimmerman, then they’ll pound that one down the public’s throat. Their is a race war in America, documented in the book ‘White Girl Bleed A Lot’. (I am not the author nor associated in anyway with this book).

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