Daily Archives: June 3, 2014

If Current Trends Continue, 100% Of USHCN Data Will Be Fabricated By 2020

USHCN has been losing station data at a phenomenal rate. This is due to a combination of station loss and unreported data from currently operational stations. When they don’t have data for a particular month at a particular station, they … Continue reading

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Antarctica Gets Cold Enough To Freeze CO2

Last year, Antarctica reached -135ºF, which is 27ºF below the freezing point of CO2 at atmospheric pressure. This is cold enough to freeze CO2 right out of the air. There has been some long standing confusion about this because we … Continue reading

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EPA Head : CO2 Hurts “People Of Color First”

I was listening to Gina McCarthy on NPR this evening describing the new CO2 regs. She said that “carbon emissions hurt people of color first” What she probably meant is that higher electricity prices due to Obama’s regulations will hit … Continue reading

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USHCN Data Tampering – Much Worse Than It Seems

Yesterday I did a post showing how more than 40% of USHCN monthly temperature is fabricated from non-existent raw data, and the percentage is rising exponentially. Taking this a step further, I analyzed the temperature trend since 1990 of only … Continue reading

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