Daily Archives: June 9, 2014

Great Moments In Climate Forecasting

Ten climate forecasts which demonstrate that the world’s leading government climate experts have absolutely no clue what they are talking about. NASA’s top experts said that burning fossil fuels would trigger an ice age. U.S. Scientist Sees New Ice Age Coming … Continue reading

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1971 – World’s Top Climate Scientists Said Fossil Fuels Would Cause An Ice Age By 2020

In 1971, the world’s top climate scientists Schneider, Hansen and Rasool predicted that burning fossil fuels would trigger an ice age. They also determined that CO2 was nothing to worry about. U.S. Scientist Sees New Ice Age Coming A few years later … Continue reading

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Kerry Wants To Kill The Terrorists He Just Released

Taliban swapped for Bergdahl could be drone targets, Kerry indicates | World news | The Guardian

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Climate Experts Base Their Arctic Theories On Two Days Out Of The Last 35 Years

Arctic experts cherry picked two days out of 35 years, to base their entire understanding of Arctic sea ice. iphone.anomaly.arctic.png (512×412)

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Another Global Warming Icon Bites The Dust

Alarmists have been telling us for years that Glacier National Park is imminently doomed due to global warming. Now it turns out they stopped retreating four years ago. GREAT FALLS, Mont. (AP) — Healthy snowpack and cooler summers over the … Continue reading

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