Daily Archives: June 11, 2014

US In The Group Of Doom

The US starts with Ghana, who knocked them out of the last two World Cups. Then they face Germany and Portugal. Look for a quick return flight from Brazil.

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An Amazing Place

Columbia, Maryland where I currently live is an amazing place. The city was master planned to leave open space and bicycle trails everywhere. I never have to get in my car around town, and everywhere I go I travel through beautiful … Continue reading

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Eighty Years Ago, Drought Covered Much Of The Planet

During the summer of 1934, not only was the US savaged by drought, but so was much of the rest of the planet.  04 Jun 1934 – WORLD DROUGHT Farmers’ Ruinous Losses Almost Uni… http://trove.nla.gov.au/ http://news.google.com/newspapers http://trove.nla.gov.au/

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During June, 1934 – The Entire US Was Over 100 Degrees

Eighty years ago this month, every region of the country reported temperatures over 100 degrees. http://docs.lib.noaa.gov/rescue/mwr/062/mwr-062-06-0212.pdf

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80 Years Ago, 80% Of The US Was In Drought

Eighty years ago this summer, more than 80% of the US was experiencing drought, and about half the country was in extreme drought. 1934 was also the second hottest summer in US history, after 1936. Climate experts say that heat … Continue reading

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Once Formed, Ice Must Never Melt Again

Greenland receives several trillion tons of snow every year, which all has to return to the sea as rivers of ice – known as glaciers. But climate alarmists don’t want this to happen, so they stand at the periphery and … Continue reading

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Think Progress Reports That President Obama Has Strengthened Relations With Israel

Not only has President Obama defeated al Qaeda and balanced the budget, but he has also strengthened relations with Israel. Obama’s Foreign Policy Successes | ThinkProgress

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The Obama Doctrine

President Obama has put his underlying policy doctrine on display. Terrorists should be freed from prison and heavily armed, so that they can retake Iraq American political opponents like Dinesh D’Souza should be imprisoned “Al Qaeda is on the run“ The Iraqi … Continue reading

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Nobel Prize Winning Forecast Runs Into A Minor Snag

Nobel Laureate (and inventor of the Internet) Al Gore solemnly predicted that there was a 75% chance the Arctic would be ice-free this summer. But he ran into a minor problem. With only 90 possible melt days remaining, the ice … Continue reading

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The Roots Of ObamaScience

Steve Milloy dug this up. Obama is following through on a long tradition of Policy Based Evidence Making.

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