Daily Archives: June 14, 2014

England Looking Dangerous

Great match so far. Brilliant football by both sides.

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550 PPM CO2 Will Have Very Little Impact On The Climate

An increase of atmospheric CO2 to 550 PPM will increase the greenhouse effect by less than one fourth of one percent, according to the radiative transfer model used by Kevin Trenberth. He knows this, yet pushes the global warming scam … Continue reading

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Putting The Methane Scam To Bed

One of the standard alarmist claims is that Methane is 30 times more potent than CO2 at wrecking the climate, and that cow farts threaten the future of humanity. Radiative transfer model show that methane has almost no effect on … Continue reading

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Zeke’s Nature Trick

Zeke wants me to use temperature anomalies instead of absolute temperatures. Here is why you can’t do that. The graph below shows how NCDC tampers with the US temperature record, to create a non-existent warming trend. Here is NCDC’s 1991 version … Continue reading

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EPA Says That Winter 2014 Wasn’t Cold In The US

The EPA says that the coldest winter on record in the US wasn’t cold. They show that 20% of the US was cold this past winter, making it one of the warmest winters on record in the US. High and … Continue reading

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83% Of 100 Degree Days In Wisconsin Occurred Before 1960

Prior to 1960, Wisconsin had very hot summers. Now hot summers are rare there. 70% of their hundred degree readings occurred before 1940, and 83% occurred before 1960.

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As CO2 Has Increased, Hot Days In The Midwest Have Decreased

Below 320 PPM CO2, 100 degree temperatures in the US Midwest were common – but they rarely happen any more.

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1912 Typhoon “Practically Destroyed” Tacloban

TimesMachine: November 29, 1912 – NYTimes.com

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Time To Put The Climate Sensitivity Scam To Bed

I used RRTM LW (the model Trenberth uses) to calculate the effects of increasing CO2 on downwelling longwave radiation, otherwise known as measuring the greenhouse effect of CO2. As you can see, the effect of increasing CO2 is minuscule. Even in the mid-latitude winter, … Continue reading

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