Daily Archives: June 17, 2014

Understanding Homeland Security

Homeland Security means spying on all your phone calls and Internet traffic and holding you up at the airport for hours in security lines – while allowing tens of thousands of undocumented  “Dreamers” to cross the border unimpeded. To Barack Obama, … Continue reading

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Learning To Do Climate Accounting

Climate experts say that they have to cool past temperatures by 1.5 degrees, because some stations have moved to much cooler rural airports. At the same time they say that UHI has almost no effect, because there is no difference … Continue reading

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Alarmists Have Lost One Tenth Of Their Melt Season Already

Normally the North Pole is above freezing for 70 days a year. On tenth of the way through the melt season, temperatures remain below freezing. It is tough to get an ice-free Arctic (like Al Gore predicted for 2014) if … Continue reading

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How NOAA Creates Heatwaves In A Cooling World

The US is cooling, but political agendas require heatwaves. So NOAA solves the problem by adjusting US maximum temperatures upwards at a rate of four degrees per century. The raw data shows cooling, so they reverse that into a sharp … Continue reading

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Intelligence Is A Thing Of The Past In Climate Science

Global warming might not lead to colder winter days in the future, as scientists initially thought,  according to a new study published in the UK-based Nature Climate Change. Global Warming Could Actually Make Next Winter Warmer – The Wire Experts … Continue reading

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Met Office : Another Barbecue Summer For The UK

Britain to enjoy heatwave this week as Met Office predicts ‘sizzling summer’ – AOL Travel UK Their 2007 barbecue summer forecast was a big hit, so they are back at it in 2014

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Government Scientists Messing With Texas

Thermometers show that Texas was much hotter 100 years ago. But that doesn’t suit the political or religious agenda of people like Katherine Hayhoe and Andrew Dessler – so NCDC simply reversed the trend by massively cooling the past, and … Continue reading

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