Daily Archives: June 19, 2014

Liverpool’s Cannibal Bites England

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Dems Continue To Spout Fact-Free Claims In Congress

One Democrat after another is claiming that weather, droughts, heatwaves, etc are getting worse due to climate change. None of them present a single shred of evidence to back up their fake claims. And of course no Republicans challenge them on … Continue reading

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Moron Of The Day Award Goes Out Early Today

http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/images/indicator_figures/high-low-temps-figure1-2014.png June 19, 2014 at 11:39 am

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What We Can Learn From The White House

President Obama is teaching us that there are enough laws currently on the books to make all activities illegal by executive order, and enough judicial precedent to effectively nullify each individual section of the Bill of Rights. In other words, all … Continue reading

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Arctic Refuses To Melt As Ordered

Al Gore demanded that the Arctic melt out this year, but the ice appears to be taking its orders from the Koch Brothers at the present time. COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut Another sell out … Continue reading

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The Dark Halls Of Superstition At The US Capitol

In yesterday’s Senate EPW hearing, Democrats repeated over and over again that Mann-made CO2 is causing sea level to rise on the East Coast, and was going to drown us all. So let’s try correlating actual sea level measurements vs. … Continue reading

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1972 Expert Shock News – Beginning Of A New Ice Age

The Canberra Times 12 September 1972 Beginning of new ice  age NORWICH. England, Monday (AAP). – A new ice age is beginning to creep over the northern hemisphere and during the rest of this century the weather will become progressively colder, … Continue reading

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North Pole Temperatures Still Below Freezing

The Sun is about to begin its annual descent towards winter at the North Pole, and temperatures there still haven’t made it above freezing yet this year. PAWS Buoy 819920 Recent Data

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