Daily Archives: June 23, 2014

Summers Used To Be Much Hotter In The US

One year ago this week, President Barack Obama waited for a hot day in Washington and hurriedly held an outdoor speech, where he could perspire, engage in third rate acting,  and blame global warming. The president might be surprised to learn … Continue reading

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Using Thermometer Data Is Now Considering Data Tampering

I have been accused several times in the last 24 hours of data tampering and cherry picking, because I use the the entire unaltered, measured HCN data set. Only altered, fabricated data which reverses the measured US cooling trend is considered acceptable … Continue reading

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Ghana Busted In Match Fixing Probe

Yesterday I commented that Ghana’s right wing kept passing the ball to the German goalkeeper. And today The Telegraph reports. Football match-fixing: Ghana deal casts cloud over World Cup finals in Brazil Exclusive: undercover investigation by The Telegraph and Channel … Continue reading

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NOAA And NASA Data Alterations Are Global

I’ve shown how NASA and NOAA have dramatically altered the US temperature record, and they are doing the same thing in other countries, like Iceland and Australia – almost always cooling the past, which creates the appearance of warming. Iceland Australia

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Learning To Think Like A Progressive

Progressives do everything they can to drive young men insane, by repressing all normal male behavior and telling teens that they are destroying the planet by driving their car. Then when teenage boys go completely insane and kill their peers with … Continue reading

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NOAA/NASA Dramatically Altered US Temperatures After The Year 2000

Prior to the year 2000, NASA showed US temperatures cooling since the 1930’s, and 1934 much warmer than 1998. NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate? NASA’s top climatologist said that the US had been cooling Whither U.S. Climate? By … Continue reading

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World Class Performance By Tim Howard

The US goalkeeper was amazing. Bradley played great except for his Rooney moment in front of the goal. Incredible shot by Jones. Well coached by Klingsman, except for a poor decision at the end to not pull everybody back. Ronaldo was barely … Continue reading

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