Daily Archives: June 28, 2014

Software Verification Part Two

I have been emphasizing the difference between commercial and government software. Commercial software goes through constant review. Mine gets reviewed 2-3 times a day by my boss. Government software on the other hand has no quality control. Consider the Obamacare web … Continue reading

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Night Of The Living Infillers

Zeke just can’t grasp what he is doing wrong. Around 1990, USHCN started losing a lot of mainly rural stations. Using their clever infilling and gridding, they turned those disappearing stations into urban stations – which created a huge spurious … Continue reading

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Another Nail In The TOBS Coffin

The USHCN station at Ada, Minnesota took their temperature readings at 7 am during the 1930s. They show exactly the same pattern of very hot weather during the 1930’s, and much cooler since 1988. The “blame the hot 1930s on TOBS” … Continue reading

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One More Time …..

I have posted this graph dozens of times, and hopefully this time it will be clear to everyone. The graph shows the average final temperature for all USHCN stations minus the average raw temperature for all USHCN stations.  This is a … Continue reading

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USHCN Adjustments In Kansas

Paul’s work show exactly why you have to use untarnished absolute temperatures rather than anomalies, infilling and gridding for this type of analysis.

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Mexico Vs. England

Up till now, I have been I have been watching the World Cup on a Mexican web site with very animated announcers, who are obviously having a lot of fun and make watching the match more fun. They aren’t showing the … Continue reading

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Progressive Journalists Remain 100% Fact Free

Check out this garbage in Forbes The Public Relations Debate About Global Warming Heats Up Anyone who has watched the rather animated debate this week between myself and Anthony Watts will understand that there is no denier conspiracy, and that we … Continue reading

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Dispelling The TOBS Myth

Someone was trying to blame the high incidence of 100 degree readings during the 1930s on time of observation bias. Allegan, Michigan took their readings at midnight during the 1930’s, and showed the same pattern as the rest of the … Continue reading

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My Rebuttal To Politifact

Politifact wrote a hit piece against Steve Doocy and me the other day without doing any actual fact checking or bothering to contact me. I responded to them and they asked me to send over my response. Here it is : … Continue reading

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Pay No Attention To That Weatherman

Nearly every night in every city, the weatherman says “and several degrees cooler in outlying areas” That is how we know that the NCDC 0.1F UHI adjustment is completely accurate.

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