Daily Archives: June 29, 2014

More News On USHCN Temperature Adjustments

More news from Paul Homewood. The man who can explain things so simply, that even a climate scientist can understand it.

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Shock News : White House Science Czar Warns That Burning Fossil Fuels Will Cause A New Ice Age

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Old Jedi Mind Tricks

The team uses a number of Old Jedi mind tricks to beat skeptics into submission The data needs to be infilled due to changing station composition That is exactly what you don’t want to do if the cooler rural stations are disappearing … Continue reading

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Charles Darwin Said That Extreme Changes In Climate Are Key Drivers Of Evolution

Progressives like Barack Obama imagine that they have science on their side, because they actually don’t know anything about science. Charles Darwin – The Origin of Species

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NASA Tells Deniers – Life On Mars Is Real

Replying to Skeptics, NASA Defends Claims About Mars By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD Published: August 8, 1996 WASHINGTON Aug. 7— Scientists and space agency officials today reaffirmed their claim of finding strong evidence for past life on Mars and asked skeptics … Continue reading

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NASA Experts Say Their Junk Science Isn’t As Bad As Cold Fusion

NASA Experts Defend Theory Of Life on Mars Published: October 25, 1996 TUCSON, Ariz., Oct. 24— In their first appearance before a major audience of astronomers, NASA scientists have vigorously defended their theory that a meteorite from Mars shows evidence … Continue reading

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The Scientific Consensus

One hundred years ago, scientists were hotly debating why Martians had built all those canals. It isn’t clear which side of the debate the consensus sided with. MARS CANALS FOR DRAINAGE. – German Says They Are to Prevent Floods When … Continue reading

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Second Coldest First Half Of The Year On Record In Illinois

The first six months of 2014 were the second coldest on record in Illinois. Changing station composition (loss of rural stations) likely skews recent temperatures too high. NOAA adjusts for these spuriously high temperatures, by making them even higher through the … Continue reading

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What We’ve Got Here Is Failure To Communicate

Anthony Watts wrote over on his site that I said Goddard initially claimed 40% of the STATIONS were missing This is the line Anthony is referring to, from his original E-mail This claim: “More than 40% of USHCN final station data … Continue reading

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Kentucky Group Wants To Tax Breathing

A national tax on anything that produces carbon emissions — gasoline, airplanes and coal-burning power plants — is the goal of the new Kentucky chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, an international nonprofit group seeking to curb global warming. Carbon tax … Continue reading

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