Daily Archives: June 30, 2014

Need World Cup Help

I’m stuck in the office all day, and the Mexican web site I was watching the group stages on, is not showing any more matches to non-subscribers. Does anyone know of any other sites where I can watch?

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Reading Comprehension

Ric Werme is one of the people on WUWT who frequently doesn’t bother to read what I actually wrote, and then goes on a rampage complaining that I am wrong. Then it becomes urban legend, and their poor reading comprehension … Continue reading

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Infilling Is Massively Corrupting The US Temperature Record

Several people on both sides of the debate continue to criticize my averaging of the entire measured USHCN data set. The graph below shows the average of three different USHCN groups of data since 1990, which was the year they started exponentially losing data. The … Continue reading

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Tough Match For The US Tomorrow

Hazard, Fellaini and Kompany are a tough group, used to playing in high pressure situations. Fortunately, Tim Howard, Michael Bradley and Clint Dempsey are too.

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Monsoon Season Starting At The Southwest Permanent Drought

Right on schedule. 10-Day Precipitation Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

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Consensus Of Americans Don’t Believe In Mann-Made Global Warming

Poll: 53 Percent Of Americans Don’t Believe In Man-Made Global Warming President Obama is emphasizing global warming ahead of the November elections, but a new poll suggests he faces an uphill climb. According to a Pew Research Center poll, 35 … Continue reading

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Open For Debate

Many people have challenged my findings. If you are confident that I am wrong, I am more than happy to debate you. I will be at ICCC in Las Vegas next month. Let me know. That would be a great location … Continue reading

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“Confab of Climate Experts to Challenge Global Warming “Consensus””

Climate scientists and noted researchers from a variety of disciplines and all parts of the world will be converging on Las Vegas, Nevada, July 7-9 to receive awards and present their latest findings at the Heartland Institute’s 9th International Conference … Continue reading

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One Fourth Of The North Pole Season Gone – With Almost No Melting So Far

Like last summer, every day so far has seen below normal temperatures near the North Pole. COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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My Climate Heroes

These are the people whom I admire and completely trust. Bill Gray Bill has been a tireless and fearless warrior for decades, and has been self-funded since Vice-President Al Gore cut off his hurricane research money in 1993 for refusing to … Continue reading

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