A Change Of Tampering Strategy At USHCN

In order to meet the challenge of  a  cooling climate, USHCN has had to change their data tampering strategy. In USHCN V1, TOBS ranged from -0.1F up to 0.3F, and went flat after 1990.

ScreenHunter_239 Jun. 01 18.26

ts.ushcn_anom25_diffs_pg.gif (650×502)

The US has been cooling, so they changed the TOBS tampering (blue below) to go from -0.6F up to 0F, and it didn’t go flat until 2010 twenty years after V1 flattening – using the same algorithm. Apparently the laws of mathematics changed since V1.

This cheating gave them an extra 0.2F, but they seem to have run out of headroom with TOBS, and have switched over to manufacturing completely fake data in their final adjustments. Note how the final adjustments (red below) have shot up since 1998. I believe that this has been achieved by manufacturing fake data for the missing monthly temperature readings – which now comprise more than 40% of the data set.

ScreenHunter_269 Jun. 03 20.29

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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40 Responses to A Change Of Tampering Strategy At USHCN

    • _Jim says:

      Hillary, another classy lib qualified to, umm, well, do absolutely nothing significant or meaningful where accountability means something …

  1. Andy DC says:

    Totally disgusting!

    • Gail Combs says:

      Shoebat has an interesting name:

      Walid Means “newborn”, derived from Arabic ??? (walada) “to give birth”. This was the name of the Umayyad caliph who conquered Spain in the 8th century…

      (I have a Muslim friend by that name.)

      Perhaps that is why he can translate the Arabic.

  2. _Jim says:

    ” … this has been achieved by manufacturing fake data for the missing monthly temperature readings – which now comprise more than 40% of the data set.


    Where can I get in on this kind of action with stocks, banking or coin trading?

    Ummmm, LEGALLY that is …


  3. northernont says:

    All I know is my furnace is still meeting the challenge of this cooling climate. 2° C here at night still, when it should be 10° warmer.

  4. crosspatch says:

    “I believe that this has been achieved by manufacturing fake data for the missing monthly temperature readings – which now comprise more than 40% of the data set.”

    I speculated the same several years ago at either Mr Watts, or Mr McIntyre’s blog. But it should be a double-edged sword. If we cool dramatically, that ALSO starts changing the past from all these infills.

  5. Ben Vorlich says:

    Have you ever tried to find out how well the forecast maximum compares with the recorded maximum for specific weather stations? It might be interesting but I’m not sure even if there is a database of historical forecasts. My feeling is that recorded will always be higher than forecast.

    I know the BBC East Midlands (UK) MO forecasters in winter always say that for cold nights the temperature in rural areas will be several degrees lower; tacitly implying that UHI is +3/4’C. It was the same in Scotland too a number of years ago.

  6. matayaya says:

    Interesting what you all focus on as news compared to what most of the world focuses on. This Fraud premise is wearing thin. A good first step on reducing our use of coal is the real news. Even China chimed in and said they would do their part. If a command economy such as China commits to something, they can get it done. Sure, its just words so far, but maybe the tide is turning. Anyway, my electric usage bill for the past three months has averaged $15 a month. A house with solar panels is the way to go. The system will pay for itself in less than 5 years.

    • I was listening to C-Span radio yesterday morning, and they had representative Chris Smith R-NJ discussing the mind boggling human rights abuses going on in China. It is a country of slaves, and anyone who holds them up as an example deserves a good thrashing.

      • matayaya says:

        Kissinger and Nixon considered China to be important. Realpolitik or not, China is currently dumping a lot of stuff into the sky and we here in the US are affected by it. Like them or not, we have to deal with them. Have you arranged your life around avoiding buying anything from China? You could never enter a Cracker Barrel. We owe them over a trillion dollars. Most of us Americans do buy China’s stuff and in effect have outsourced our pollution to there.
        Being poor makes anyone seem a “slave.” Many Chinese are doing quite well. Our universities and hospitals are happily flooded with them paying top dollar. It is pretty amazing to see a billion point three people simply able to organize to be able to survive, let alone thrive. They don’t like dirty air anymore than we do and if they set their mind to, they will clean it up. Since historically most of what is up there is ours, they won’t act until we do.

        • gator69 says:

          Act? Knee jerk reactions to a failed hypothesis is your solution. God you are as stupid as they come.

        • B says:

          The pollution is not outsourced. If the product were made in the USA there would be very little pollution as a result. There is considerably more pollution by moving the production to China.

          Generally speaking the more individual rights are impaired, the more pollution there is. Being able to pollute a neighbor’s property or the commons is a privilege granted by the state. The US government used to allow practically anyone to do so in a unlimited fashion. When the objections of people got strong and loud enough it started with regulation and learned this grant of privilege had value and now we have the present system that determines who can pollute how much. When nearly every business becomes an extension of the state and the people have their rights entirely suppressed, you get a condition like China.

          The goal of course has never been the environment, it is to break the USA. If the goal had been the environment there were many instances where politicians who claim to be for the environment could have slowed or stopped this transfer of the means of production. Instead they went full steam ahead encouraging it. They used every tool they had to make production cheaper in China. Currency manipulation, tariffs or lack there of, tax breaks, taxes, treaties, trade deals, etc and so on. At no point was any effort made to require of China anything of value for access to US markets. They didn’t even demand a level playing field for US companies selling in China. When I last designed product for the Chinese market there were local content laws US companies had to meet or find the product taxed heavily. These likely still exist.

          China is a rich country, yet it is never held to any environmental standards. They won’t even put in the cheap stuff, the old technology, that stops 90+% of the pollution. The Kyoto Protocol exposed the CO2 fraud when it by design encouraged the move of the means of production out of the US and Europe to China. Moving the man made CO2 source to another country that is politically allowed to increase its CO2 output doesn’t help if there really was a problem.

          It is demonstrated time and time again by the political figures and the scientists who support them what the reality is by their own actions, words, and support. Simple logic shows that they themselves do not believe man made CO2 does anything to the climate and care nothing about the environment. It’s just a tool to get what they want and get to where they want to go.

          Pollution wasn’t outsourced, it was intentionally created to achieve a goal.

        • matayaya says:

          B So you say there is more pollution by doing production the Chinese way vs the American way? I guess you mean our coal fired electricity is cleaner than theirs. Some of our plants filter some but the older ones are probably just as dirty as the Chinese ones. It is also a question of how you measure pollution. We Americans, per capita, consume about 9 times more than the average Chinese, so arguably we produce more pollution.
          Regarding property rights to pollute and relative freedom of being polluted on relative to how much freedom one has, the freedom to freely dump into the sky has become a burdensome cost we are all bearing regardless our level of freedom. To bad that CO2 is invisible and odorless or people might reconsider their stance. Your pollution vs freedom argument seems a bit tortured.
          Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Some of us actually think the physics of the greenhouse effect and the role of CO2 as the governor makes sense. We certainly don’t see ourselves as evil Rube Goldberg conspiracy theorist trying to “break the U.S.” One moment you all peg us as so stupid you wonder how we stay alive and the next we are these genius evil manipulators.
          At the end of the day, people are the same everywhere. They want education and jobs, they want families, they want to educate their kids so they can have good jobs and families. China knows its days are numbered where its citizens are willing to walk around in a fog of toxic smog. They know it is making them sick. They don’t discount the effect of CO2 either as some in the west do. 25 years of over a billion people with a GDP around 10 percent a year has built and produced a lot of stuff for themselves and the world. They have created a polluted mess and they know it better than anyone. If they set the goal to clean it up, the have the wherewithal to do so. But the U.S. historically is responsible for most of the CO2 up there and it is our responsibility to take the lead in the effort. We took a good step this week and China signaled it’s willingness to respond in kind.

        • B says:

          matayaya, You’re babbling, dancing around what you know is true. Everything from coal fired electric plants to steel plants to refineries to manufacturers of all sorts run without the least bit of concern of what is spewed into the air, dumped in the water, or piled upon the land in China. That’s why it is the way it is. The amount produced, the number of people, how consumptive they are, etc so forth matters little when no effort is made in one place and in another the elimination of pollution is pushed beyond the point of diminishing returns. In the USA billions will be spent chasing down the last 1-3% that remains…. in China 100% is still being spewed and not dime will be spent buying proven technology that could take care of 90% of it.

          When people don’t have the ability to exercise their rights, when people are too poor to stand up for themselves, when government controls everything, choking pollution is what you get. And once the people in the USA are sufficiently impoverished and unable to fight expect government to start letting their cronies dump whatever they feel like practically anywhere they want to.

          Same reason so-called progressives don’t care that the US military is the world’s biggest consumer of hydrocarbon fuel or its horrible environmental record. It has never been about the environment. It’s about power and wealth. Those with it getting more of it. Communist countries have always been horrid environmentally, why? Government has total power. There’s no reason to be clean.

          People are people and governments are governments. People in governments are not about to put you or I breathing clean air over their goals and desires. The only way they do anything without scamming us if we make them afraid of us.

        • matayaya says:

          B I think you underestimate people’s ability to dictate to their government, even China. The Communist government there fears it’s masses getting out of control. No dictatorial government can for long force it’s people to breathe toxic air and watch their children get sick. But there is a larger point.
          It gets back to whether one thinks AGW is real and is a problem. It’s easy if you don’t think it’s a problem. Same as with the fatalist that think it is already too late, so why bother trying. Going after AGW would be just a pointless job killing effort in the short term. To hell with the long term and our childrens’ future. But, if the IPCC is correct and we continue business as usual, then AGW will be the ultimate job killer. If the IPCC is correct, corralling man-made greenhouse gases everywhere, regardless the government, must be a priority. Worst case scenario, China’s exports could be hit with tariffs to get the point across. All economies will take a hit dealing with AGW but it would take the ultimate hit not dealing with it.
          If you have the luxury to presume man made greenhouse gasses are benign, then you can comfortably resist efforts by those that think it is a problem. But, are you really so sure you are right? Insurance is always a good idea.

        • geran says:

          Matayoyo, you don’t need to do any more homework. You are hilarious.

          But, if you want to delve deeper, with your mind, it could be even funnier.

          We await your efforts.

        • Scott says:

          The Chinese rep who made the remark about china doing something about coal plants has already stepped back from the remark. He is now saying that his statement was just his personal opinion on what China should do and does not represent any official statement from China. China is not that stupid and it is odd that you would assume that they are.

        • matayaya says:

          This link is of a Chinese official giving a very constructive perspective of China’s climate policy.

        • gator69 says:

          Matayapper, this is the Chinese policy on climate change…

          “Chinese planners have proposed 363 new coal-fired plants, according to a November 2012 report by the World Resources Institute, a Washington-based environmental advocacy group. Though many of those plants may never be built, their planned capacity is more than half again as much as the entire coal-fired output in the United States, according to United States Energy Information Administration figures.”


          Now that we have cleared that up, you can discard that outdated video. You are welcome.

        • matayaya says:

          Gator, for being a punk yahoo, you did inadvertently advance the discussion in one useful way. Some of that Chinese investment in coal energy may get stranded. bloomberg.com/news/2014-06-05/china-coal-spending-of-21-billion-seen-risked-by-climate-rules.html

        • gator69 says:

          😆 It’s been decades since anyone has called me a punk, and yahoo is a new one. But then I guess that’s all a parrot can manage.

          From your leftist rag…

          “Tighter restrictions on greenhouse-gas discharges MAY cut China’s total power output by as much as 40 percent from 2012 levels by 2020 under an aggressive scenario, the Carbon Tracker Initiative and the Association for Sustainable and Responsible Investment in Asia, environmental groups focusing on investment and finance, said in the report. Demand for coal imports COULD drop rapidly, they said, forcing exporters to seek new outlets and threatening to strand assets.”

          Hmmm. Looks like the Chinese Government is not part of this discussion. 😆

          Get a life.

        • matayaya says:

          We should get our own house in order before criticizing others. With good insulation, good windows and solar panels on the roof, my electric usage has averaged $15 a month for the past 6 months and my natural gas usage about $35 a month. I don’t fly on airplanes the way I used to and I get good gas millage on my car. Saving that money from reduced consumption improves my quality of life. I live in a state that is already half way to the new EPA targets for reduced coal fired electrical generation. The economy is getting along just fine here. Wall Street is peaking. Life is good. It’s time to go out and see what others need.

        • gator69 says:

          My house is in order. And that is my business and not yours. If you wish to throw money away on your particular religion, fine, but let’s not make it a state religion.

        • _Jim says:

          re: matayaya June 7, 2014 at 3:07 pm
          The economy is getting along just fine here. Wall Street is peaking. Life is good. It’s time to go out and see what others need.

          “Wall street is peaking” – do you have any idea why this is, yet mainstreet businesses are ‘on the rope’ and the real unemployment rate is about double the figure bleated blindly by the pressitutes?

          I am going to hazard a guess that you don’t give a rat’s patootie about the country as a whole, rather, only your own as-yet unaffected little corner …

        • Brian H says:

          +1 gator

    • matayaya says:
      June 4, 2014 at 10:42 am

      Interesting what you all focus on as news compared to what most of the world focuses on. This Fraud premise is wearing thin. A good first step on reducing our use of coal is the real news.

      So it’s okay to lie, as long as the lie serves a purpose that an apologist for evil accepts. Got it.

  7. Tom In Indy says:


    How is China related to systematic errors in the temperature record? It sounds like you are not disputing systematic errors in the temperature record, but just stopping by to let everyone know you are a cheerleader for forced abortion and other horrific human rights abuses.

    Your “ends justifies the means” mentality is eerily familiar to the despots that have used your mentality to justify the murder of tens of millions of people throughout history.

    It’s not surprising you support any means that justifies the use of rising levels of CO2 as an excuse to increase energy prices and force additional pain and suffering on the poor souls who can’t afford to heat their homes in the U.S. Worse yet, use that same excuse to bludgeon the poor in other parts of the world who heat their food by burning dung.

  8. Gail Combs says:

    B says: @ June 4, 2014 at 2:24 pm
    Excellent synopsis of the situation.


    Too bad the Progressive have their fingers stuck in their ears and are singing NAH NAH NAH… So they can not see the jobs exiting Stage Left while the Chinese Manufactured bat chomping bird slicing eco crucifixes pollute the landscape and are left to rust as monuments to Progressive GREED!

    As of 2011 there were 14000 Abandoned Wind Turbines In The USA

    …There are many hidden truths about the world of wind turbines from the pollution and environmental damage caused in China by manufacturing bird choppers, the blight on people’s lives of noise and the flicker factor and the countless numbers of birds that are killed each year by these blots on the landscape….

    The US experience with wind farms has left over 14,000 wind turbines abandoned and slowly decaying, in most instances the turbines are just left as symbols of a dying Climate Religion, nowhere have the Green Environmentalists appeared to clear up their mess or even complain about the abandoned wind farms…..

    You want to do something useful matayaya?

    How about starting up a group to collect funds from your Progressive friends to remove and recycle these Eco-Crucifixes?

    I am sure that Al Gore, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Reid, Pelosi, Clinton and others would be real happy to donate a spare million or two for such a worthy cause.

    • B says:

      Let the metal scrappers at them. They’ll figure out a way to bring those things down and sell the scrap metal for recycling. The market can take care of problems like this.

      • Gail Combs says:

        It should be up to the Progressives like matayaya to deal with getting them to the metal scrap yard. They should also be made to dig out all the footings and return the land to the sane condition it was in prior to the idiocy.

        I do not want MY TAX MONEY paying one thin dime for the clean-up but the American tax payer will get stuck with the bill and another bunch of Washington DC cronies will make a mint on the deal. Just give it another decade or two.

      • matayaya says:

        B This is a video of a Chinese official discussing energy policy and carbon emission issues. This is someone we can work with for those that actually want to solve problems. It would be nice to hear your response to his presentation. youtube.com/watch?v=XxjpuJ3KyQI

        • Gail Combs says:

          “…. a Chinese official discussing energy policy and carbon emission issues. This is someone we can work with for those that actually want to solve problems…..”

          I am sure the Chinese are laughing their heads of reading that. They have ZERO intention of reframing from building coal plants and they will continue to buy Australian and US Coal.

          Luo Ping, a director-general at the China Banking Regulatory Commission, put it more bluntly: “We hate you guys. “

          The Chinese will do or say what ever is good for THEIR COUNTRY and would love to continue helping the USA down the road towards third world status.

          I am glad I am old. I am glad I have no children. And I hope that people like Mikey Mann live long enough to reap what they sow.

          BTB, How are the Mandarin Chinese lessons coming matayaya?

        • matayaya says:

          Gail, you are a cynic. Assuming you are wrong about carbon emissions, the Chinese are/will be hurt by global warming as much as the next guy. They have the same motivation as we do to try and protect the future for their children. You reveal your perspective saying you are old and childless. In addition to be dismissive about global warming, you probably resent paying taxes to support local schools because you have no children attending. Like it or not, we Americans are all in this together.

        • DD More says:

          matayaya this is a story of a Chinese official discussing US Foreign policy and what they think of our government leaders and ‘useful idiots’.

          Chinese General Says U.S. Foreign Policy Has ‘Erectile Dysfunction’ Problems

      • Colorado Wellington says:

        Zou Ji’s presentation is as useful as an Obama speech but his delivery is not as smooth.

        He said nothing about pulling down our useless wind turbines and hauling the wasted metal to the junk yard. Nothing about reclaiming the devastated land.

        You and your comrades are on your own, matayaya. The Chinese ain’t helping.

  9. gator69 says:

    “matayapper says:
    June 7, 2014 at 1:07 pm
    Gail, you are a cynic. Assuming you are wrong about carbon emissions… They have the same motivation as we do to try and protect the future for their children… Like it or not, we Americans are all in this together.”

    All in this scam together? You are such a sucker for a failed hypothesis. Natural variability explains our global climate. Period.

    Go find some hungry children to feed now, and quit fantasizing about the imaginary needs of future generations. You are wasting your life on nothing.

  10. Brian H says:

    mata just wants to help with the Big Cause: spending as much of our money as possible on easily accessible fluff. Or guff.

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