Alarmists Facing Triple Whammy In The Arctic This Summer

Arctic ice is thick, air temperatures are running far below normal, and North Atlantic sea surface temperatures are below normal. It doesn’t get much worse than that for people wanting to sea the Arctic melt.

ScreenHunter_446 Jun. 13 06.29

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Alarmists Facing Triple Whammy In The Arctic This Summer

  1. philjourdan says:

    But the melting point of ice has been adjusted!

  2. Jason Calley says:

    New CAGW talking point:

    “Ice? Bah, the ice is already gone. That is sea foam you are seeing. Thick, continuous, very, very firm sea foam. Just like we predicted…”

  3. Lawrence 13 says:

    You’re ‘avin” a graph Steve, its all melting.

  4. Wizzum says:

    Steve, someone forgot to check the temperature before posting this chart of sea surface anomaly.

  5. Anthony S says:

    Re Great lakes ice, it is officially gone now, but who thinks that icebergs/pressure ridges like this one would have melted in a week sitting in <40F water?

  6. D. Self says:

    Ruh! Roh!

  7. Over at Huff Po they’re linking everything to Climate Change… every flood, drought, World Cup in Brazil hotter than ever… Pakistan floods due to extra CO2…

    Every Weather event no matter how normal across the Globe on a Yearly basis is now attributed to Climate Change… they just don’t stop…

  8. Latitude says:

    North Atlantic sea surface temperatures are below normal..and that’s all folks

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