Alarmists’ Worst Nightmare – They Have Already Lost 15% Of The Arctic Melt Season

The Sun has begun its descent towards winter, and the high Arctic melt season hasn’t started yet.

ScreenHunter_604 Jun. 21 20.41

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Alarmists’ Worst Nightmare – They Have Already Lost 15% Of The Arctic Melt Season

  1. darrylb says:

    The sad part is that the MSM will not pick up on any of this.

  2. JL says:

    Or that more ice is due to… warming.

  3. John says:

    Hank Paulson wants another bailout now asking for a carbon tax. I am sick of these cronyism statist’s.

  4. kbray in california says:

    Surprise, surprise, for the gloom and doomers… All those “dying” Emperor Penguins still alive and well…

    and the fact that the MSM, the Bureaucrats, and Al Gore et al can’t understand a record level Antarctic Ice map is in my assessment… “criminally inconvenient”.

  5. An Inquirer says:

    I see that the temperature on the North Pole buoy finally made it above freezing — barely, by 0.2 degrees. Of course, that buoy has drifted down to 85 degrees latitude. I wonder if the true North Pole has made it above freezing ??

  6. Scott Scarborough says:

    Collide-a-scape just claimed that the arctic has started a real high melt percentage of about 40%. How is that rectified with your DMI plot?

    • stewart pid says:

      Summertime summertime sum sum summertime 😉

      • gator69 says:

        My deepest apologies to the Beach Boys…

        “Surfin’ Prudhoe Bay”

        You know Alaska has an ocean
        as warm as Biscayne Bay
        Now the Eskimos are surfin’
        Even on New Year’s day
        You see ‘em dress so scantily
        on skis and not snow shoes
        They’re slaloming around Shamu
        Surfin’ Prudhoe Bay

        You’d catch ‘em surfin’ at Homer (High tide, worldwide, Prudhoe Bay)
        And down at Ketchikan (High tide, worldwide, Prudhoe Bay)
        Junea and Sitka (High tide, worldwide, Prudhoe Bay)
        Nome and Unakleet (High tide, worldwide, Prudhoe Bay)
        All over Kaktovik
        And down at Koyuk way
        Eskimos gone surfin’
        Surfin’ Prudhoe Bay

        Because the white man pollutes
        Have no seals to harpoon
        They’re waxing down their surfboards
        Thank an oil tycoon
        No more seasons only summer
        We’re on surfari to stay
        Tell the media we’re surfin’
        Surfin’ Prudhoe bay

        Polar bear bikinis
        Custom whale bone shades
        Kuiu Island and Junea
        Seward and Bushkin Beach
        All over Alaska
        All the warmists say
        Eskimos gone surfin’
        Surfin’ Prudhoe Bay

        Eskimos gone surfin’
        Surfin’ Prudhoe Bay

        Eskimos gone surfin’
        Surfin’ Prudhoe Bay

  7. stewart pid says:

    It troubles me that DMI shows temps running slightly lower than average since ~ May 5th and yet we see above average melting in almost all areas of the arctic on cryosphere’s maps. Some of this will be due to DMI being above 80 degrees and the cryosphere maps covering areas further south but still it bugs me.

    • squid2112 says:

      Perhaps this is a clue to you as to what really makes the Arctic melt? … think for a while …

    • Adam Gallon says:

      Yep, as squid2112 notes, have a think about what does and indeed doesn’t, cause arctic ice to melt.
      Go to the DMI website, their records go back to the 1950s, pull any year you like and see if there’s a big difference in either the time spent above freezing, or indeed the temps themselves.
      Then wonder why GISS reckons the Arctic’s boiling.

    • rw says:

      Maybe it’s time for the Arctic rowers to try again.

    • Alan Robertson says:

      Arctic ice extent right now is within 30 yr. average (+/- 2 standard devs.) minimum sea ice extent in September should be no less than 4.25M Km2.
      There is also an above average area of 3-5+ meter- thick ice, this year.

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