Charles Darwin Said That Extreme Changes In Climate Are Key Drivers Of Evolution

Progressives like Barack Obama imagine that they have science on their side, because they actually don’t know anything about science.


Charles Darwin – The Origin of Species

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Charles Darwin Said That Extreme Changes In Climate Are Key Drivers Of Evolution

  1. emsnews says:

    My godmother, the lady who introduced bird banding to study birds in the US way back in the 19th century, thought that Darwin was the greatest scientist ever. And one thing that truly interested everyone who was a scientist like my grandfather, was worried about the newly-discovered Ice Age. Which turned out to be multiple Ice Ages.

    So I grew up being warned about the cold climate switch which all sane scientists expected to come sooner rather than later since no interglacial lasted much longer than our present one.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    I wanted to bring up the Real Science site today for my warmist brother (scientist / biochemist) who is coming over today, just to show him some of the great articles, but he’s always talking about how skeptics are “a bunch of creationists.” Now if I was showing him the outstanding posts and … whoops .. up pops a reference to Charles Darwin! Lol I guess. Now he wouldn’t understand that this reference to Darwin has got nothing to do with pushing a creationist agenda, yes, he wouldn’t understand that, at least not with a bit of “uh, um” type explanations. This is a reference about how climate affects evolution according to Darwin, completely on the level. But I’m starting to think that even a simple reference in any way to Darwin looks potentially problematic in certain ways.

    • hannuko says:

      Tell your brother about how IPCC leader Pachauri lied about having two PhD:s for 38 years before in 2012 a reporter found out that he only had one. Then tell him that once the IPCC found out that he was a pathological liar, they simply removed the mention about having two PhD:s from his CV. Nothing more.

      Lying about your educational background is the most basic reason to get fired even in the most socialistic societies. Apparently it’s not enough to discredit the man who leads the groups that is trying to “save the world”.

      So it appears that being a liar is not a handicap but a merit on the IPCC – this is something that your brother needs to understand.

      • Eric Simpson says:

        I tell my brother similar type outrageous things, and it doesn’t really sink in or seem to phase him much. Although he has seen some of the Chicken Little quotes I repeat here sometimes, and he did say that that was “very bad.” Not enough to change his view though I guess. Speaking of the IPCC, here’s a couple quotes of note:
        “We have to offer up scary scenarios… each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective and being honest.” -Stephen Schneider, lead ipcc author, 1989
        “Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.” -Sir John Houghton, first chairman of IPCC
        As far as my brother goes, one thing I did nearly 3 years ago is show him this video on the CO2 lag & lack of evidence for CO2 affecting temperatures, and every time he starts trying to say I’m a loon for being a skeptic I bring up the point of that video, and I say that have given him “many years” to find a rebuttal, and he hasn’t, and his eyes just sort of gloss over as he realizes he has no good response to my point. So this video is really a good all purpose Chicken Little disarmer! So you should show the same (3 minute) video if you are in an argument with any of your warmist acquaintances:

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