But there was a time when the New York Times was more than a propaganda outlet for the White House.
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It seem like they have always been a defacto propaganda outlet for the DNC, however, not as badly as things have gotten today.
Crooked Carol Browner: Obama’s ethically-challenged energy czar
The trouble with Obama’s energy czar by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate Copyright 2008
Yet another Clintonite has been wheeled out of the political morgue to serve in the Obama administration. Carol Browner, a neon green radical who headed the Environmental Protection Agency from 1993-2000, is widely rumored to be the president-elect’s choice for “energy czar.” But an ethical cloud still hangs over Browner’s EPA legacy. It doesn’t take a team of Ivy League-degreed lawyers to figure out that this is one more headache the Hope and Change crew doesn’t need.
In the spirit of reaching across the aisle, let me dust off the cobwebs and help out all the smarty-pants vetters on the Obama team with a little background on Browner’s stained past:
On her last day in office, nearly eight years ago, Browner oversaw the destruction of agency computer files in brazen violation of a federal judge’s order requiring the agency to preserve its records. This from a public official who bragged about her tenure: “One of the things I’m the proudest of at EPA is the work we’ve done to expand the public’s right to know.”
Asked to explain her track-covering actions, the savvy career lawyer Browner played dumb. Figuratively batting her eyelashes, she claimed she had no clue about a court injunction signed by U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth on the same day she commanded an underling to wipe her hard drives clean. Golly gee willikers, how could that have slipped by her?
According to testimony in a freedom of information lawsuit filed against EPA by the Landmark Legal Foundation, a Virginia-based conservative legal watchdog group, Browner commanded a computer technician on Jan. 19, 2001: “‘I would like my files deleted. I want you to delete my files.”
Not coincidentally, the Landmark Legal Foundation had been pressing Browner to fully and publicly disclose the names of any special interest groups that may have influenced her wave of last-minute regulatory actions. Two days before she told her technician to purge all her records, EPA had gone to court to file a motion opposing the federal court injunction protecting those government documents.
Plausible deniability? Not bloody likely.
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MORE – see link above
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2001 flashback! EPA Head Browner Asked for Computer Files to Be Deleted
Published: Jun 29, 2001
WASHINGTON (AP) – The same day a judge ordered her agency to preserve records, then-Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Carol Browner asked a technician to delete her computer files, according to testimony in a court case seeking contempt penalties against the government.
Browner says she did not know about the court order and simply was seeking to remove some games, which her son had installed on her work computer, before leaving office with other Clinton appointees on Jan. 19.
“It didn’t seem appropriate to leave behind a computer with kids’ games,” Browner said in sworn testimony filed in court this week in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
The conservative group that sued the EPA for documents isn’t buying Browner’s explanation, and on Friday asked U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth to hold her and other top staff whose electronic records were destroyed in contempt of court.
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If I was that technician, I’d be stashing a copy somewhere, wrapping my mobile phone in foil and heading for a random cheap hotel room that takes cash.
GEE, can I use the Browner excuse on the IRS if they want to audit my records?