People who say that droughts are getting worse, have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.
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Figures DC would not be. That is why they do not remember.
Now those measures are a dim memory as farmers cut down trees and plowing up grass filter strips to plant biofuel corn from road edge to road edge. Meanwhile the idiot Econuts are crowing about all the dams they are tearing out…
Although my grandparents were not farmers in Central Nebraska they did own farms and would go out at night and pump water for the live stock. It was not a good time. My grandmother used to worry about children going to bed hungry. In 1936 the temperature in my town must have gotten up around 118 degrees.
It is interesting how that one sector of Iowa and Wisconsin are in the “mid-range” category. I doubt it, especially for Iowa.
Suspicious that the extreme southwest corner of Utah is showing very moist.
Must be using estimated data 😉
I was recently trying to find a historical graph of the Palmer Draught Index that I could quickly link to as evidence that we are not having worse draught. I found monthly maps like the above, but that would be greeted with “cherry picking” from the people that need to see it the most. Has anyone found a simple graph that averages the Draught Index and presents that average over time?
I love this line of thinking. We have a single data point similar to today’s, so there is no trend. I’m sure the standard of living in the US isn’t higher today than in the past, because Andrew Carnegie was really rich in the 19th century. I’m sure life expectancy globally isn’t longer than in previous decades because Martha Graham was 114 years old in 1959.
That is probably the stupidest comment of the day so far. The US is less than 30% drought now, compared to 80% in 1934. The droughts in the 1930s were much worse than any recent droughts.
So the single data point is even higher than the current data point? You are right! That is stasticics
The protracted 1930s drought represents a “single data point” to you? That is statistics! You are right! Luke Science!
And you just proved you are a low information poster who never bothered to read Steinbeck or any USA history. The drought started in 1931 and lasted nine years. It was a “Mini-drought” compared to the Mega droughts that lasted for decades to centuries.
Photos from the 1930s
If you want a Peer-reviewed paper:
Actually 1942 was the first good rain year for Nebraska.
1934 was worst corn crop in US history, worse that 1936. The Missouri crop was almost a total wipeout.
If it happened now deniers would be in Gulags and everybody else would be without electricity.
“Deniers” wouldn’t be in Gulags, we would probably be the ones who managed to survive the “Urban Wars” that would wipe out a good 50% or more of the US population. The Democrats racial rabble rousing will guarantee division not cooperation
What do you think will happen when grocery store shelves go bare and the price of what is left sky rockets? The 1970s Oil shortage will be nothing in comparison. Expect inner cities to make the 1992 Los Angeles Riots look like a boy scout jamboree. Why do you think Homeland Security is stockpiling enough Ammo for a 20 year hot war within the USA?
Remember Clinton in his infinite wisdom signed the “Freedom to Fail Farm Bill” of 1996 that wiped out the US Strategic Grain Storage System and by 2008 the USDA reported “The cupboard is bare” just in time for the 2008 food crisis. SEE: Want Food security? Bring Back a National Grain Reserve
The study I linked to above suggest the Mega-droughts are not one year and not local which does not bode well for our Just-in-Time modern food system. (China is stock piling grain and buying farmland all over the world, no fools they.)
Joan Feynman et al’s work on the Nile River records turned up an 88 year and a 200 year cycle linked to the Sun. NASA Finds Sun-Climate Connection in Old Nile Records
1931 + 88 = 2019 about the time the weak Solar Cycle 24 will be winding down.
Another study by Feynman predicted the recent down turn in solar activity all the way back in 1997 at the start of cycle 23. (Solar cycle 23 – May 1996 to January 2008)
Solar variability and climate change: Geomagnetic aa index and global surface temperature
…In this view the absence of pronounced 11-year temperature fluctuations (related to the unshaded area under the aa curve in Figure 3), is attributed to the damping effect of the thermal inertia of the oceans. Wigley and Raper [1990] have shown that such damping can reduce the impact of even a relatively strong solar cycle with ~0.1% peal-to-peak irrafiancevariation [Willson and hudson, 1991] to a barely detectable temperature signal (~0.02C). Thus it is the slow variation of the underlying solar signal, as revealed by the aa min time history, rather than the 11-year cycle in either aa or sunspots that shows up most strongly in the temperature record.
The fact that the aa index at solar minimum retains a value proportional to its flanking sunspot maxima, rather than falling to near zero values like the sunspot number, is thought to be a reflection of the interchange of poloidal and toroidal (sunspot) magnetic fields via the solar dynamo… The point we wish to make here is that the aa index provides evidence for a long-term (low-frequency) component of solar variability that persists through sunspot minimum and may therefore affect Earth’s climate.
Our study suggest that solar variability has contributed significantly to the long-term change of earth’s climate during the past 350 years…
While acknowledging the importance and threat of such anthropogenic forcing, we are reminded that there is evidence, albeit mixed…, for temperatures comparable to present day values during the interval 900-1250 A.D., well before the industrial age. The later part (1100-1250 A.D.) of this so-called Medieval Warm Period had inferred solar activity comparable to present levels….
As of this writing it appears that the average aa value of 1997 will be even lower (~16 nT) than that of 1996. Such leveling off or decline of the long-term solar component of climate change will help to disentangle its effects from that of anthropogenic greenhouse warming. …
Feynman et al are not the only ones who have found an 88 year cycle:
You might want to read the Chilling Stars. Cosmic rays and their effect on cloud formation. High versus low clouds. The role the solar wind plays in fending off cosmic rays which play a part in the formation of clouds. Etc.
I am truly amazed to find Nebraska’s hottest year listed as 2012. I grew up there and remember very hot summers in the 1950’s, especially 1956. In 1936 (before my time) a town just 50 miles south registered 118 degrees for the state’s hottest ever temperature. Lincoln was 117 on July 4th that year. In 2012 Lincoln’s hottest temperature in July was 105. And yet it is stated that 2012 was the hottest year ever for Nebraska and USA. I realize we are not talking highs but overall heat. Still my intuition tells me your work is accurate and the other is propaganda. After reading the Chilling Stars I gave up on the mainstream hysteria. Also the bigger cities mean more energy usage and energy typically means heat output. Consider all the air conditioners in Phoenix! I would argue for more rural temperature stations and fewer urban ones.
Another fine book is the Virtue Of Heresy: Confessions of a dissident astronomer. Steven Goddard is clearly a weather/climate heretic. As with religion heresy interferes with the flow of power and money in higher places. Some might even consider that what the President affirms can not possibly be true. But that is induction. And he might accidentally say something true.
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We celebrate Earth Hour so that the United States can never experience 80% drought ever again.
Act on climate. Now.
Your money and zeal matters, even if only to posthumously relieve your great grandparents of their 1938 climate sins.