James Bruggers, [email protected]
Kentucky and Indiana can expect even more heat waves, bigger and badder storms and poorer air and water quality in the decades ahead because of global warming, the assessment found.
The frequency of 90 degree days in both Kentucky and Indiana has dropped dramatically over the last 80 years.
Tornadoes in the US have been near or at record low levels over the last three years. James Bruggers is parroting White House propaganda, without doing any fact checking.
Let James know about this at his Twitter account – @JBruggers and ask him why he’s too lazy to do research on the topics he writes about.
For the month of June in Greensboro, North Carolina 33% of the record daily HIGH temps were recorded between 1940 and 2014, a time span of 74 years (less 30 days) while 67% of the all time daily LOW June temperatures were recorded in this same period.
Meanwhile in Greensboro, North Carolina 67% of the all time daily HIGH June temperatures (including the all time record daily high of 104f) were recorded between 1894 and 1939. This is only 55 years. Furthermore, only 33% of the record June LOW temperatures were recorded in this same 55 year time span. Now I ask you, is this evidence of global cooling, or is it evidence of global warming? Personally I think that it is evidence that Big Al and his Hockey Stick don’t have a clue about the weather.
Never mind that on July 27th 1914 while things were heating up in Europe, Greensboro, North Carolina tied their all time record daily high temperature of 104F while only 4 days later on the 31st of July 1914 Greensboro recorded their third coldest all time July temperature with a chilly 53F. “Oh what a relief that must have been.”
It really has nothing to do with the climate or weather other than the manufacturing of a crisis in order to somehow justify the growth of power in the central government. Where this is all going is that the EPA will become to economic freedom what ObamaCare is to healthcare. Total control of everything by the Federal Government with politicians picking the winners and losers in the economy and ultimately everything having to do with our daily lives is what this BS is all about.
Wait until this kicks-in. As it says at http://www.foodsafety.gov/news/fsma.html
Food Safety Modernization Act: Putting the Focus on Prevention
and to ensure all the money gets spent and then some…
Guess who’ll be paying…
Do you like the taste of those homemade pies and candy from the mom & pop run store, and as for kid making lemonade or brownies forget it. But your food up till now has been so unsafe, you just know these measures will reduce all the food scares, right?
These measures should improve the job prospects for even more bureaucrats, eh?
—Tasks complete –
Communications (NSA) – check.
Homeland/Terrorism – check.
Healthcare – check.
Energy costs – check.
Coal (EPA) – check.
Food (FDA) – check.
—Tasks yet to complete –
Gun control…..40%
“…. you just know these measures will reduce all the food scares, right?”
ERRRrrr, I took the CDC food borne disease data and plotted the three years before the WTO Agreement on Agriculture and the change from the old EVIDENCED BASED food safety system to HACCP and then plotted the three years after. The illness rate DOUBLED!!!
How ever the MSM propaganda machine went to work and twisted the facts so FARMERS and not the corporations were blamed. (You get e-coli from feces smeared meat due to bad butchering practices and not from the farm.)
Meanwhile our food is now “tested” by the same corporations that instituted those bad practices (line speed increased) HACCP Disconnect From Public Health Concerns That works real well BTW. A local plant whose QC Biologist I know commented they were shipping out product KNOWINGLY infected with Listeria monocytogenes. The corn crop that year was laced with the bacteria and I had several goats die from it. (Necropsy reports from Rollins Laboratory)
SHIELDING THE GIANT: USDA’s “Don’t Look, Don’t Know” Policy
A humorous story of one butcher’s tangles with bureaucratic idiocy A Trip to the Woodshed With the USDA
Congress blasts FDA’s plan to close 7 labs
That piece about closing the labs is truly worrying.
Along with the restraint that will apply to locally sourced small scale producers, the future of safe local food suppliers looks grim.
Notice how all this info was swept under the rug.
This is the new international HACCP regs in action. yet farmers got the blame not corporations.
The USDA also relaxed rules a while back and now allows feces to be “washed off” instead of condemning the meat as unfit for humans. This is the result:
A Report from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
April 2012:
So the USDA/FDA new recommendation is to NOT wash the chicken but to carefully place the chicken straight from the package into the pan and cook. (Along with the feces, congealed blood, feathers…) because washing the chicken with contaminate your kitchen.
Part of this whole food safety mess is corporations want to irradiate food to kill bacteria so they do not have to keep high hygiene standards. That is one of the goals towards which we are being pushed. The other is making farming a business unavailable to anyone but large corporations. (think drug manufacture – same regs.)
“…failing to remove fecal matter from meat” in three of the five plants …”
But how many sheeple will be taking the Homer Simpson option when he was told that 1 in 5 of the burgers he consumed was spat in by the staff.
His reply “Hey, Not bad odds!”
Heck, I’ve gotten chicken that somehow had chicken feed in the package.
I live in Ohio and my guess our temperature data looks very similar. Do you have a like to it? Like Indiana and Kentucky, Ohio will be hit very hard by these new regulations and the result will b e higher electric bills. It’s nice to know Obama cares for working families!
They just throw any lying shit they can against the wall and hope that some of it sticks. The truth be damned.
Best description of government propaganda I have seen yet.
The viewpoint of DC is tax payers are there to be sheared and if they complain kick them again harder while telling them it is for their own good.