Massive Data Tampering In The Southeastern US

Like with the rest of the country, NOAA has created a 100% bogus temperature record in the south, due to data tampering. The US isn’t warming, but their funders demand that they produce it anyway.

ScreenHunter_534 Jun. 17 21.09

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Massive Data Tampering In The Southeastern US

  1. omanuel says:

    Climategate emails that surfaced in late Nov 2009 were but the tip of a massive cancerous growth on federal research agencies that grew out-of-sight for sixty-four years (2009 – 1945 = 64 yrs) after WWII ended.

    AGW skeptics won the global climate debate, but AGW believers retain all of the political power because the spirit of Stalin controls government science.

  2. omanuel says:

    The strange behavior of mainstream scientists and politicians as the AGW skeptics won the global climate debate cannot be understood without grasping the implication of largely unreported events in August 1945 that scared world leaders into taking totalitarian control of society:

    • omanuel says:

      1. George Orwell had already written “Animal Farm” on the rise of totalitarian communism under Stalin BEFORE World War II.

      2. World leaders lost control over access to nuclear weapons in the CHAOS of August 1945.

      3. Stalin’s troops captured Japan’s atomic bomb plant at Konan, Korea and shot down an American plane in August 1945.

      4. FEAR of nuclear annihilation scared world leaders into uniting nations as the UN in October 1945 and adopting Stalin’s totalitarian techniques to control society and save themselves.

      5. George Orwell started writing “Nineteen Eighty-Four” In 1946 on the rise of totalitarian communism under Stalin AFTER World War II.

      6. Climategate emails exposed this totalitarian control over government science in late November 2009.

  3. philjourdan says:

    Almost 2 degrees. That is all the warming and then some.

  4. squid2112 says:

    Well, I live in the Southeast (Tennessee), and we are just hoping that this year our pool will get warm enough so that we can use it a lot more than we have been able to the past couple of years. We are finally having temperatures into the low 90’s with some sun, for it is the sun that is most important to heat the pool, along with high nighttime temps to retain the heat. That magical “CO2 back radiation” just doesn’t seem to be cutting it.

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