Met Office : Another Barbecue Summer For The UK

ScreenHunter_527 Jun. 17 00.40

Britain to enjoy heatwave this week as Met Office predicts ‘sizzling summer’ – AOL Travel UK

Their 2007 barbecue summer forecast was a big hit, so they are back at it in 2014

ScreenHunter_528 Jun. 17 00.42

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Met Office : Another Barbecue Summer For The UK

  1. Andy says:

    They are indeed poor with longer term outlooks, best sticking to the 3 or 5 days ….

    Cloudy here currently.


  2. tom0mason says:

    Since then the Met Office has quit issuing ‘seasonal’ forecasts. Except for their usual hysterical CAGW forecasts, it’s darn difficult to find them making any long term weather forecasts recently.
    I often wonder, what’s the Met Office’s real job? Using-up excess tax revenue?
    Weather forecasting certainly isn’t their forté.

    • Ben Vorlich says:

      I often wonder, what’s the Met Office’s real job?

      Their real job is to support CAGW in every way they can. Every extreme weather event prompts an MO statement this is what we expect to happen more frequently as a result of Climate Current Buzzword and it will only get worse unless we cut our CO2 emissions. Dame Julia Slingo (who got her honour for supporting the government line) does it for the press and Richard Betts on blogs..

      • tom0mason says:

        Why is it when I see or hear ‘Dame Julia Slingo’ this South Pacific chorus comes to mind ?

        So suppose a dame ain’t bright
        Or completely free from flaws,
        Or as faithful as a bird dog,
        Or as kind as Santa Claus,
        It’s a waste of time to worry
        Over things that they have not,
        We’re thankful for the things they got!

        There is nothin’ you can name
        That is anythin’ like a dame!

        There are no books like a dame,
        And nothin’ looks like a dame.
        There are no drinks like a dame,
        And nothin’ thinks like a dame,
        Nothin’ acts like a dame,
        Or attracts like a dame.

    • EW3 says:

      If the UK wants to save a few (billion) bucks, they should get in touch with

      • tom0mason says:

        What and save money. NO! As every good bureaucrat will tell you if you don’t squander spend your budget you loose it, so they got to waste it somewhere.
        It’s either that or do the unthinkable like lowering taxes. No, we can’t do that or people would forget how important politicians are.

  3. Ben Vorlich says:

    Elsewhere in the UK Scientists have developed a new Crystal Ball

    • Billy Liar says:

      Satellite records show that the year with smallest pond fraction in late spring (11% in 1996) had the biggest sea ice extent in September; and the year with the largest pond fraction (34% in 2012) featured the all-time low extent come the autumn.

      How did the hotshot modelers rule out the satellite records misinterpreting the pond fraction as open water?

  4. John Edmondson says:

    Currently we have high pressure 1000 miles out in the Atlantic, so the wind is from the North or North West. Not much chance of a heatwave, a barbecue is still possible though.

  5. QV says:

    What the Met. Office says:
    It’s all about probabilities so the forecast can never be wrong.
    Unfortunately the “three month outlook for contingency planners” is difficult to find.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    brolly and sunblock

  7. philjourdan says:

    The UK will enjoy a nice summer – the Met reverse said so.

  8. Luke of the D says:

    But that is a picture of droughtflood, you know, coldwet!

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