Government ParaMilitary Units Invading 124 American Homes Per Night

With the borders open for terrorists to walk across, government paramilitary units are invading 124 American homes per night

Nestled awkwardly among the usual guff, the outrage website Salon this week took a welcome flyer and accorded space to something genuinely alarming. “A SWAT team,” the headline screamed, “blew a hole in my 2-year-old son.” For once, this wasn’t hyperbole.

Paramilitary operations, the ACLU concluded, are “happening in about 124 homes every day — or more likely every night” — and four in five of those are performed in order that authorities might “search homes, usually for drugs.” Such raids routinely involve “armored personnel carriers,” “military equipment like battering rams,” and “flashbang grenades.”

Barney Fife Meets Delta Force | National Review Online


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Government ParaMilitary Units Invading 124 American Homes Per Night

  1. emsnews says:

    Remember to thank Nixon and his War on Drugs (and antiwar hippies like myself) for this mess.

  2. mjc says:


    It actually starts much earlier than that, with when one of the first ‘junk science’ victories banning hemp (yes, the war on marijuana was really a war on the production of hemp paper) followed closely by Prohibition.

  3. emsnews says:

    He declared a war on us hippies which was quite violent. Remember: the tools used against ‘people you don’t like’ usually end up applying to yourself.

    • kuhnkat says:

      emsnews, you allied yourselves with violent commies and others. Blame yourselves for your stupidity.

      Your good buddy is now running the country with one of those violent types called Ayers who assisted his coronation.

  4. Don says:

    If we actually followed the Constitution the ‘war on drugs’ would have been declared unconstitutional, if it ever got off the ground. The necessity for a Constitutional Amendment to ban alcohol is proof of this. The federal government has long ago overstepped its bounds.

  5. Chip Bennett says:

    Maybe we should start calling them Swatsi units?

    No-knock SWAT raids, on the whole, are an utter, unconstitutional abomination. Under no standard are they required for warrant service for drugs, credit card fraud, student loan defaults, or 99% of the other reasons they get used. Clearly, the courts cannot be trusted to uphold constitutional rights and protections when authorizing no-knock raids. A higher standard (grand jury indictment, higher-level court, something else?) is needed to authorize them. As it is, they are nothing more than an abusive violation of the constitutional rights of private citizens.

  6. Gail Combs says:

    Steve, I got kicked onto a Great lakes Iceberg @ June 30, 2014 at 3:19 pm

    Icebergs spotted still floating in Lake Superior despite the Great Lakes being declared ice free

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