More news from Paul Homewood. The man who can explain things so simply, that even a climate scientist can understand it.
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- conrad ziefle on “Fascist Salute”
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- scott allen on UN Is Upset
- arn on “Fascist Salute”
- dm on UN Is Upset
- dm on UK Green Energy Record
- Francis Barnett on UK Green Energy Record
- Greg in NZ on Record Warmth Of January 1906
Certainly Paul has done a good job rebuffing the coward that tried to call him out. And a good find with Kansas record doctoring. That got me wondering if records were changed at a slow enough rate, say 3-4 stations a week, and then only change every other month per station record each time; would anyone notice till the job of changing nearly all station data has been completed? Not a difficult task to automate.
P.S. Steve,
I notice that you and toto are the stars in a Josh cartoon. 🙂
“NOAA has been accused by others of “fabricating” data, and while that is a strong word that I don’t like to use, it looks to be more and more accurate.”
All of us had difficulty believing that our own federal research agencies would purposely deceive the public.
But the record is clear:
The common truths that existed in science, religions and democratic constitutional governments before August 1945, were replaced by
Common untruths in the lock-step totalitarian governments, sciences and anti-religious dogma of Stalin et al. after August 1945.
It is no mere coincidence that George Orwell left London and moved to the Scottish Isle of Jura in 1946 to start writing his warning, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”
Dogmatic scientists and dogmatic religionists are today identical twins, hiding under different cloaks of social respectability !
Speak for yourself.
I figured out they were lying through their teeth when USDA/FDA claimed that the USA food safety system had not been upgraded for decades right after implementing HACCP and having the food borne disease rates double.
“Under the HACCP rule, industry is responsible for assessing potential food safety hazards and systematically preventing and controlling those hazards. FSIS is responsible for verifying that establishments’ HACCP systems are working..” (wwwDOT)
I KNEW they were lying after the charts showing that rate doubling was covered up by the CDC who claimed the doubling of rates was because they went from snail mail reporting to e-mail reporting, especially after the USDA was caught sweeping the problem under the rug. Shielding the Giant USDA don’t look Don’t tell Policy
Heck even the Head of the inspectors Union, Stanley Painter, testifed against how the USDA was run:
If the government bureaucracy will put the safety of our food “At Risk” because of pressure from the UN, WTO and the international corporations, I have zero faith that the US government is willing to act in my best interest instead of the best interest of the rich and powerful on any other issue.
While Watts will never properly apologize, todays post is a total vindication of Steven Goddard. You have done damn fine work over time my man. Damn fine work.
Agreed! In the lunate debate, Steven aka Tony best exemplified unselfish service to God, country and society.
Darn phone changed climate to lunate!
You have a phone that gets the idea across better.
I think he has. After publicly ridiculing the original he comes out and says “Steve was right and I was wrong”. That takes an honesty and intestinal fortitude most don’t have. I don’t think Steve would want more of an apology than a public admission that he was correct.
Great discussion on all the sites about the NOAA adjustments now. Best thing since climategate. Well done Steve.
I’ve got nothing against Paul Homewood but I don’t need him to tell me the temperatures have been doctored, tampered with or manipulated. (choose whatever term makes you feel the best )Steve Goddard has been informing us about it for years and the people who visit this site have known about it all that time. It’s too bad it took the rest of the world so long to clue in. (Anthony Watts et al)
For you slow learners out there – Global Warming/Climate Change is a FRAUD/fake/hoax/scam/con.
It’s not even bad science. It’s CRIMINAL !
Yes, but Paul knows how to boil it down to very simple terms, which even government employees can understand.
As Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They each have their roles to play . . .”
Michael Mann, Steven Goddard, Paul Homeward, Anthony Watts etc. are all unwilling actors on the stage of life, marching with you and me from birth to death.
that is a comment from a true scientists, no NIH or protecting your turf but crediting others for a valuable contribution to your original research.
Steve/Tony says its simple but if so simple why has no one else shone a permanent spotlight on this like he has. Now Paul is further vindicating Steve ?Tony(sod you Steve revealing yourself as Tony) that the past is being seriously undervalued as well. Now if IRC isn’t or wasn’t the US record the largest collection over a sustained period of time in the world? So using that as a guide and then seriously tampering with it really is a revision of the pasts climate.
Surely this is very serious stuff and if all this pans out to be the case then government employees have been incompetent or they have blatantly lied like in the Lerner disgrace
Anyhow where next with this what will be the strategy to make this even more publicly known. I would say Booker’s piece last week was a massive boost for Steve’s hard work but this needs to totally name and shame those involved.
Steve/Tony what would you like to be called now?
Good question
How about “The Lubos” in identifing government corruption?
Interesting that the first plot option in your ( ) link is: “1. Plot the number of months with data vs. year. (… Your plot will show the number of months each year which there are PRECIP, TMAXTOBS, TMINTOBS, TMAXRAW, TMINRAW values.”
The plot shows 11 months for 2011, and 12 months for every other year in question on this issue about the raw data. What they don’t tell you is that many of these “raw” values have been adjusted/estimated, and are not real measured raw data. This is flat out wrong. It implies that when you plot the raw values for this station you are plotting real measured raw data values. You are not, as they might be estimated, not measured, values. They should make no adjustments to the raw data. All adjustments should be in confined to their various adjusted/data quality(haha)/final data.
Keep up the good work Steven/Tony.