Most Fraudulent Spring In The Climate Record

Joe Romm reports that March-May was the “hottest” on record.

ScreenHunter_536 Jun. 17 23.34

More accurate satellite data shows that March-May temperatures were actually quite ordinary, and almost 0.5C cooler than 1998.

ScreenHunter_535 Jun. 17 23.32


In 1871, some people suffered the same affliction of claiming that every month was the most extreme on record, and deluding themselves into believing that the climate is changing.

The Brisbane Courier    10 January 1871


We have often noticed that in the tabular statements of those compilers of weather records who write to the Times, useful and welcome as their communications are, every season is sure to be “extraordinary,” almost  every month one of the driest or wettest, or windiest, coldest or hottest, ever known. Much   observation, which ought to correct a tendency to exaggerate, seems in some minds to have rather a tendency to increase it.

10 Jan 1871 – IMAGINARY CHANGES OF CLIMATE. (Pall Mall Gazette.)

ScreenHunter_1858 Jan. 15 22.36

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Most Fraudulent Spring In The Climate Record

  1. Robertv says:

    Good thing we still have football. There you will still find honest people .

  2. Phil Jones says:

    These hysterical liars are all trying to outdo themselves with the bullshit…

    … I proclaim 2014 the hottest ever on record… Globally… Despite all the extra ice… There, now I’m liked and funded again..

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