Obama Says He Will “Even Talk To Sportsmen”

I heard President Obama on the radio talking about the epidemic of school shootings by psychotic young men armed with knives, guns, cars and explosives. He said he would “even be willing to talk to sportsmen about the problem

Is he somehow expecting duck hunters to reverse the massive psychological damage being done by the looney left to the youth of America?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Obama Says He Will “Even Talk To Sportsmen”

  1. B says:

    He should be talking to the FDA. But root cause problem solving is neither the forte of politics nor desired by it.

    • Tel says:

      And if there’s only one lesson people need to learn in life, that would be it.

    • _Jim says:

      It’s almost as if – this president (and a lot of other dems) engage in a sort of ‘Münchausen syndrome by proxy’ scheme in order to feel/be ‘important’ and most importantly, to feel needed in solving perceived and induced ‘problems’.

      Review (fr wiki):
      Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP or MBP) is a term that is used to describe a behaviour pattern in which a caregiver deliberately exaggerates, fabricates, and/or induces physical, psychological, behavioural, and/or mental health problems in those who are in their care.


  2. benfrommo says:

    50 years of democrat control of gun laws in the city of Detroit, and gun violence is worse there than ever before. You would tend to think that people would realize after awhile that the problem is not that there are not enough laws, but that Government solutions are just really that bad. After all, it was the USSR under Stalin that proved that just because your intentions are good (industrialize Soviet agriculture) that the result (millions upon millions killed) are often the true story of who you are and what your philosophy actually results in.

    But what can you do? People like to tell others what to do and just basically be fascists. And this is no different in the end. Here we have Government trying to spend billions of our money on hair-brained schemes that won’t even solve the problem of insane people going on rampages and so the solution they propose is completely worthless. Like I say, Government solutions really are that bad in the end.

    • gator69 says:

      Starvation was the plan, not good intentions.

      “The term Holodomor refers specifically to the brutal artificial famine imposed by Stalin’s regime on Soviet Ukraine and primarily ethnically Ukrainian areas in the Northern Caucasus in 1932-33.

      In its broadest sense, it is also used to describe the Ukrainian genocide that began in 1929 with the massive waves of deadly deportations of Ukraine’s most successful farmers (kurkuls, or kulaks, in Russian) as well as the deportations and executions of Ukraine’s religious, intellectual and cultural leaders, culminating in the devastating forced famine that killed millions more innocent individuals. The genocide in fact continued for several more years with the further destruction of Ukraine’s political leadership, the resettlement of Ukraine’s depopulated areas with other ethnic groups, the prosecution of those who dared to speak of the famine publicly, and the consistent blatant denial of famine by the Soviet regime.”


  3. Christopher Petro. says:

    He’s willing to talk to Sportsmen, but I’ll bet you my wife he’s not willing to listen.

    Because if he WAS they’d tell him “Raise the kids right and they don’t do this[1]. Spend time with them, love them, teach them right from wrong. Expect that they do the right thing and punish them when they do wrong. Praise them when they do very well and console them when they do not, and counsel them on doing better.

    Children who are raised around firearms, around sportsmen, children who are taught to shoot, and the responsibility of shooting “do better” in the world, in the sense their cohort exhibts lower rates of criminal violence and substance abuse (which just could mean that they’re more responsible about their drinking and drug taking, but that’s fine). They do better in schools and they are generally the ones that STOP the spree killers, not be the spree killers.

    So yes President Obama go talk to the sportsmen, then for once in your wasted life SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN.

  4. redc1c4 says:

    Barry the Dimwitted doesn’t talk *to* anyone…

    he talks at them, and isn’t interested in anything they have to say in reply.

  5. Gamecock says:

    Okay, I wanted to get more context of what the Teleprompter of the United States (TPOTUS) said, so I did an internet search on the phrase. Nothing. But without quotes I was flooded.

    So, a direct search for “obama” + “willing to talk” got 950,000 hits. Leaves me speechless.

  6. bobmaginnis says:

    He should be talking to the creators and supporters of the steady diet of violence on TV. He might even do some introspection, and stop the drones and bombing.

  7. Pathway says:

    Drone attacks in Pakistan stopped 6 months ago. Go figure.

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