Obama Says Snowpack Is Declining

Obama, who cited fires in Western states, smaller snow packs in mountainous tourist areas, and flooding streets in cities like Miami to make his case about the fallout from climate change.

Obama Uses Commencement Speech To Talk About Climate Change | The Daily Caller

Snow pack along the Colorado Front Range is 442% of normal.

ScreenHunter_477 Jun. 14 21.22ScreenHunter_476 Jun. 14 21.22


Miami was nearly wiped off the map by a hurricane in 1926. Florida is having their longest period on record without a hurricane strike, but they had street flooding and that proves catastrophic climate change.

The president says he doesn’t have any time to talk to global warming skeptics, but considers himself an expert about their beliefs.

Obama Compares Skepticism Towards Climate Change To Believing Moon Made Of Cheese

Obama Uses Commencement Speech To Talk About Climate Change | The Daily Caller

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Obama Says Snowpack Is Declining

  1. Mary Brown says:

    Snowed 2″ today (June 14) here in Big Sky MT. I ran a test of the last 43 years of snowpack since they put a snotel here…trend slightly upward in snowpack.

  2. emsnews says:

    It is plenty cold here in the mountains of NY upstate, too.

  3. Send Al to the Pole says:

    And I was feeling bad with 64 here in the NW….. Thank God for the Pacific.

  4. northernont says:

    Well when you don’t have any evidence supporting your cause, and you have to give a speech, you do what most politicians do, make them up. In other news, still 5° C nights here with frost warnings. Have not seen this type of weather since the early and mid 70’s.

  5. gator69 says:

    More lies from the Bystander in Chief.


  6. Gail Combs says:

    There could be a glacier sitting on Chicago and Skeeter would still be in a state of denial.

  7. talldave2 says:

    If the IPCC told Obama the moon was made of cheese, he would make fun of skeptics for not believing it. Empty suit.

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