Monthly Archives: June 2014

Kentucky Group Wants To Tax Breathing

A national tax on anything that produces carbon emissions — gasoline, airplanes and coal-burning power plants — is the goal of the new Kentucky chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, an international nonprofit group seeking to curb global warming. Carbon tax … Continue reading

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President Obama Says That 60% Of Americans Belong To A Radical Fringe

 Obama lambastes climate change deniers as ‘radical fringe’ in California speech ANAHEIM, Calif.: Obama lambastes climate change deniers as ‘radical fringe’ in California speech | White House | McClatchy DC According to the latest Pew Poll, only 40% of Americans … Continue reading

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Government ParaMilitary Units Invading 124 American Homes Per Night

With the borders open for terrorists to walk across, government paramilitary units are invading 124 American homes per night Nestled awkwardly among the usual guff, the outrage website Salon this week took a welcome flyer and accorded space to something … Continue reading

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North Pole Temperatures Below Normal Every Day This Summer

Last year, temperatures north of 80N were below normal every single day, and so far a repeat in 2014. It is difficult to make the Arctic ice free with a melt season of four weeks at 1ºC. COI | Centre … Continue reading

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Enjoying God’s Creation

I just took an amazing walk through the forest and got to a clearing where there were probably a thousand fireflies flashing every second, against an almost pitch black background. Simply incredible sight. Like the 4th of July. It is … Continue reading

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Just How Bad Is The USHCN Data Tampering?

According to the USHCN V1 docs, they were done adjusting after 1990. ts.ushcn_anom25_diffs_urb-raw_pg.gif (650×502) According to the V2 specs, they use the same TOBS algorithm as in V1. So it seems safe to assume that stations with no missing data … Continue reading

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Software Verification Part Two

I have been emphasizing the difference between commercial and government software. Commercial software goes through constant review. Mine gets reviewed 2-3 times a day by my boss. Government software on the other hand has no quality control. Consider the Obamacare web … Continue reading

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Night Of The Living Infillers

Zeke just can’t grasp what he is doing wrong. Around 1990, USHCN started losing a lot of mainly rural stations. Using their clever infilling and gridding, they turned those disappearing stations into urban stations – which created a huge spurious … Continue reading

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Another Nail In The TOBS Coffin

The USHCN station at Ada, Minnesota took their temperature readings at 7 am during the 1930s. They show exactly the same pattern of very hot weather during the 1930’s, and much cooler since 1988. The “blame the hot 1930s on TOBS” … Continue reading

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One More Time …..

I have posted this graph dozens of times, and hopefully this time it will be clear to everyone. The graph shows the average final temperature for all USHCN stations minus the average raw temperature for all USHCN stations.  This is a … Continue reading

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