PBS : Climatologists Predict Global Warming Will Kill Us All By The Year 2000

Published: June 24, 1986

PICKING up where a high-school chemistry class might end, ”Nova,” the public-broadcasting science series, offers the nonmatriculating viewer an advanced course in worrying. The cause of the concern is all the carbon dioxide that’s being pumped into the industrialized and motorized air. The hourlong broadcast is called ”The Climate Crisis: The Greenhouse Effect,” at 9 tonight on Channel 13.

The conclusion, conveyed with great authority by several big-league climatologists from government and private research organizations, is terrible: by the year 2000, the atmosphere and weather will grow warmer by several degrees and life – animal, plant, human – will be threatened. The experts say that melting ice caps, flooded cities, droughts in the corn belt and famine in the third world could result if the earth’s mean temperature rises by a mere two or three degrees.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to PBS : Climatologists Predict Global Warming Will Kill Us All By The Year 2000

  1. emsnews says:

    Yo, Steven, everyone is on vacation today except for you and me! 🙂

    By the way, it is always cool to know we survived the Hot Weather Apocalypse and now can enjoy a very cold summer as a reward.

  2. Andy DC says:

    With great authority, big time climatologists have made total asses of themselves and continue to make asses of themselves to this very day. Nothing significant concerning the climate has happened during the last 28 years, so why should anyone believe the same hucksters concerning what will happen the next 28 years?

  3. Sundance says:

    These types of programs should require warning labels like a pack of cigarettes as they are as hazardous to brain health as cigarettes are to lung health.

    • gregole says:

      “…by the year 2000, the atmosphere and weather will grow warmer by several degrees and life – animal, plant, human – will be threatened. The experts say that melting ice caps, flooded cities, droughts in the corn belt and famine in the third world could result if the earth’s mean temperature rises by a mere two or three degrees…”

      Instead of a mere two or three degrees… we got a fraction of a degree. Followed promptly by an apparent decline in temperature.

      Famine in the third-world?

      It’s getting better all the time. Be part of the solution; not just some bed-wetter worried about non-problems. Poverty and ignorance are far bigger problems than Man-Made CO2.

  4. _Jim says:

    Incidentally, the video ”The Climate Crisis: The Greenhouse Effect” appears to have been first aired by PBS on December 20, 1983, in Season 11. It shows in the listing only as ”The Climate Crisis”.

    Season 11 1983 programs:

  5. _Jim says:

    From the movie ”The Climate Crisis: The Greenhouse Effect” –

    “Al Gore on NOVA in 1983”


    Have not found the entire movie/video yet.

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