President Obama Says That 60% Of Americans Belong To A Radical Fringe

 Obama lambastes climate change deniers as ‘radical fringe’ in California speech

ANAHEIM, Calif.: Obama lambastes climate change deniers as ‘radical fringe’ in California speech | White House | McClatchy DC

According to the latest Pew Poll, only 40% of Americans believe that global warming is caused by human activity, meaning that the president considers 60% of Americans to be a “radical fringe”

ScreenHunter_695 Jun. 29 06.19

Public Opinion on Global Warming, Environment and Energy | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to President Obama Says That 60% Of Americans Belong To A Radical Fringe

  1. Sean says:

    When you look at the people he surrounds himself with in positions of power, if he thinks they represent a mainstream view the you are right, 60% of Americans are extremist. That’s why he has to import new voters from beyond our borders.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Now that the Spanish media’s communist spy/reporter got kicked out in 2010 perhaps the Latinos will figure things out. They are real savy when it comes to government corruption and I have done my darnest to talk about what is happening to my customers. (Light bulbs come on. BTW)

  2. _Jim says:

    President Obama Says That 60% Of Americans Belong To A Radical Fringe

    It’s only from his perspective; he is the oddball.


  3. This means that 40% are flat earthers – ie like the Pres of the Flat Earth Society who believes Tulips became Teachers; and the globe is a piece of unleavened bread….Stupid is now science, morons are now intelligent, 60% is now 6%….

  4. Lawrence13 says:

    The only radical fringe I see in the climate debate is that ridiculous syrup that Pachauri wears, maybe Obama should have a chat with him as his hair is as false as the NOAA USA temperature record.

  5. Chip Bennett says:

    When Obama opens his mouth, he’s either lying or acting stupidly.

  6. Wait a second it is not Obama , it is his teleprompter.

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