President’s Behavior Is “Not Optimal”

President Obama couldn’t be bothered to rescue Americans from YouTube protesters in Benghazi, but he suddenly felt an urge to have five Taliban commanders released – and didn’t have time to discuss it with Congress.

Susan E. Rice, the president’s national security adviser, spoke a day after years of fitful negotiations had finally yielded the release in Afghanistan of the prisoner, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. The deal, brokered with Qatari help, also freed five high-level Taliban members from the prison camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

The release of the Taliban officials was sharply assailed by Republicans, including Representative Mike Rogers of Michigan, chairman of the intelligence committee, as a dangerous transgression of longstanding policy against negotiating with terror groups.

Administration Defends Swap With Taliban to Free U.S. Soldier –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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48 Responses to President’s Behavior Is “Not Optimal”

  1. Billy Liar says:

    A drone will be along shortly …

  2. Streetcred says:

    Ms. Rice said: “Sergeant Bergdahl wasn’t simply a hostage; he was an American prisoner of war captured on the battlefield.

    Wha? He simply walked off out of the camp with nothing but a knife, into the hands of the Taliban … given the evidence of his emails castigating the US military, it would seem that he was really a deserter.

    • Send Al to the Pole says:

      That’s what his fellow soldiers are saying. This guy is a deserter. But did everyone see the other stuff?

      His (bearded) father thanked Allah in some middle eastern language at the press conference, and then he tweeted the son that he was trying to negotiate a deal to free ALL Guantanamo prisoners… this AFTER the kid was “released”.

      And it was all so important that Bungo couldn’t obey the law and go thru congress… Oh, and he let THE 5 worst of the bunch go in trade? A trade we NEVER make, particularly for a deserter.

      • Gail Combs says:

        As I keep saying Barack Hussein Obama IS a Muslim. Barry Soetoro may not have been but the name change to a very Muslim name indicates he is. When my grandfather actually left the Muslim faith he changed his name just like Cassius Clay changed to Mohamed Ali.

        Obama’s pastor, reverend Jeremiah Wright was also a Muslim that changed his “spots” An approved of method by the Muslim faith for attacking the “enemy”

        This is from a May 17, 2012, Washington Times Article.

        KUHNER: Jeremiah Wright can sink Obama
        President’s former pastor telling story of betrayal and bribery

        … Mr. Wright directly contradicts Mr. Obama’s narrative of having little contact with Trinity United Church. Instead, Mr. Wright alleges that he was Mr. Obama’s close spiritual and political adviser, someone who for more than 20 years shaped the future president’s worldview. In fact, the pastor claims that he was like “a second father” to Mr. Obama.

        Furthermore, Mr. Wright says Mr. Obama possessed an “Islamic background” and despite his conversion to Christianity has never abandoned his Muslim roots. In short, Mr. Wright appears to be confirming what I have argued for years: Mr. Obama is a cultural Muslim whose Christianity is deeply tied to black liberation theology – the belief that America and the West have an evil, imperialist civilization bent on oppressing the Third World…..

        Mr. Obama’s powerful sympathies for the Islamic world explain much of his foreign policy – apologizing for American behavior in the Middle East, appeasing Iran, engaging in long-term nation-building in Afghanistan, abandoning Iraq, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, empowering radical Islamists in Libya, backing the disastrous Arab Spring and the relentless undermining of Israel. In short, Mr. Obama is the true protege of Mr. Wright: an anti-colonial, anti-Western radical leftist who seeks to use U.S. power in the service of the Arab street. In many ways, he is our first Muslim president….

      • Gail Combs says:

        Another interesting string to pull is “Adnan Khashoggi”

        This guy has connections to Al Gore, Maurice Strong and the Saudi Family. He also has connections to…

        Iran-Contra, Wedtech, BCCI, the Marcos Philippine kleptocracy, the Synfuels fiasco, and the discovery of buried mustard gas in the pricy Spring Valley neighborhood of Washington, D.C….
        More articles listed

        The Al Gore, Maurice Strong, Adnan Khashoggi connections:
        “With Al Gore’s Earth Day as a Wall Street calling card, Molten Metal’s stock value soared to $35 a share…. On Monday, the stock plunged by 49%, soon landing at $5 a share. By early 1997, furious stockholders had filed a class action suit against the company and its directors [Maurice Strong]…. Maurice Strong in another insider trading case, involving AZL Resources” link AZL’s major stockholder was Adnan Khashoggi. Strong acquired effective control and became Chairman of AZL Resources Incorporated.

        At the peak of his deal-making activities, in the nineteen-seventies, the Saudi-born businessman Adnan Khashoggi brokered billions of dollars in arms and aircraft sales for the Saudi royal family, earning hundreds of millions in commissions and fees. Though never convicted of wrongdoing, he was repeatedly involved in disputes with federal prosecutors and with the Securities and Exchange Commission… During the Reagan Administration, Khashoggi was one of the middlemen between Oliver North, in the White House, and the mullahs in Iran in what became known as the Iran-Contra scandal.

        One of the questions is how, given 9/11 and the Patriot Act, we ended up with a Muslim President.

        Here are snippets from a bunch of articles showing the American Elite-Khashoggi – Saudi connection. (Do not forget the Rothschild-Rockefeller-saudi connection, Saudi ARAMCO.)

        …At the peak of his deal-making activities, in the nineteen-seventies, the Saudi-born businessman Adnan Khashoggi brokered billions of dollars in arms and aircraft sales for the Saudi royal family, earning hundreds of millions in commissions and fees. Though never convicted of wrongdoing, he was repeatedly involved in disputes with federal prosecutors and with the Securities and Exchange Commission… During the Reagan Administration, Khashoggi was one of the middlemen between Oliver North, in the White House, and the mullahs in Iran in what became known as the Iran-Contra scandal.

        The Kissinger, the Rockefellers, and the Saudi royal family connection:

        The Bush family,… the Saudi royals….—and other rich and influential Saudi families [Khashoggi ] were naturally drawn to one another as they share similar ideologies and goals: the “new world order” which is to be governed and controlled by a small ruling class elite.

        “The royal family of Saudi Arabia gave the Clinton facility in Little Rock about $10 million”

        • emsnews says:

          Bin Laden’s older brother was very close to the Bushes and died in a plane accident in Texas.

          Bush Sr. is very close to the entire Saudi Family since 1972. He is the one who started al Qaeda via Saudi royals and the bin Laden family is very, very close to the Kings of Saudi Arabia.

          The right wing avoids this information.

        • Smokey says:

          “emsnews” is an apologist for B. Hussein Obama. This article is about Obama’s illegal deal, not about who a former president knew fifteen years ago.

          It is past time that people stopped blaming G.W. Bush for the crimes of Obama. The problem IS Obama. Who wouldn’t want to have the Bush economy now? Or the America when Bush was President?

          We have gone off a cliff under this incompetent Islamist president. He IS the problem. Only a fool cannot understand that.

        • Gail Combs says:

          emsnews, Please get out of the “Rightwing” Leftwing” rut that our future lord and masters want to push us into.

          The “Rightwing” Leftwing” dance is a dog and pony show to entertain the masses and keep us from figuring out BOTH sides are united in their desire to shear us of our wealth.

          See E.M’s “Evil Socialism” vs “Evil Capitalism” for the economic explanation of why “Capitalists” aka Republicans LOVE socialism.

          Or see democrat, Rosa Koire’s video or visit her Post Sustainability Institute Rosa, is a flaming gay liberal who works for the California government and SHE GETS IT! Not only does she get it she is willing to “work with the enemy”

          As far as I am concerned we need a thousand more like her.

        • usJim says:

          emsnews if a bonafide idiot; We have covered this subject already.

        • gibleonzim says:

          Gail–do you believe anyone reads your posts…the whole post? Other right wingers perhaps, but we of the liberal persuasion (brainless idiots in your view) would prefer to be beaten up by small, singular sticks (of wisdom), more readily palatable, given our limitations. As to this post by Smokey (2nd one down), he states that Obama inherited a great economy from Bush…anyone who would believe that likely had a job and was eating regularly when Bush was President (if he was under 25 and lucky enough to have survived Bush’s stupid war…he was even more fortunate). Was Smokey 11 when Bush was President? Or, was he smoking the funny stuff that apparently he is smoking today….the country was a mess and steadily getting worse when we finally got W out of office….why does he think all of us voted for Obama? And now that the economy has turned the corner we still have the Smokey’s of the world…and they are probably unemployed house painters who haven’t realized the obvious…they do not have enough money to be a Republican….and then there’s that other ‘R’ word….if it we elect a Republican in the next election…by the end of his term…the country will be unemployed and hungry….but, take heart….the bankers will still be rich….

        • philjourdan says:

          but we of the liberal persuasion (brainless idiots in your view) would prefer to be beaten up by small, singular sticks (of wisdom), more readily palatable, given our limitations.

          You have nailed liberals to a Tee. If it does not fit in a fortune cookie, they will never know about it.

        • _Jim says:

          re: gibleonzim June 5, 2014 at 10:27 pm

          Unreadable post; no paragraphs or other ‘civil’ formatting.

          Did you idiot libs ever attend a writing class in your lives?


        • _Jim says:

          re: emsnews June 2, 2014 at 12:18 pm
          Bin Laden’s older brother was very close to the Bushes and died in a plane accident in Texas.

          Yes, very close. They were both humans (members of the human race.) They shared a number of other very similar traits or characteristics, too. Both had two legs, two arms, two sets of eyeballs and both drew in air to breathe.


          Idiot libs.


        • Colorado Wellington says:

          … ever attend a writing class in your lives?

          Yes, they do. Stream of Consciousness 101. Course description:

          edgy comment, insight, introspection, iconic saber rattling (words only, not a gun guy), a merciful touch (the human body and the psyche are vulnerable), wisdom mixed with innocence and earthly journeys….

        • Gail Combs says:

          gibleonzim says:
          June 5, 2014 at 10:27 pm

          Gail–do you believe anyone reads your posts…
          Sorry complex ideas and moderate length posts are just too much for you.

          I generally read a book a night so I have a bit of a problem understanding those who have been subject to John Dewey’s training methods.

  3. Chewer says:

    When you’re on a mission to “Fundamentally Transform” the country you hate, any chance to spit in the face of your opposition, is quite rewarding!

    • RAH says:

      Don’t think this one is spite. It’s about the WH being desperate to change the subjects in the news cycle. Obama just had the worst week of his presidency because of the VA scandal.

      Either way a very dangerous precedent has now been set and it won’t be Obama or his kids that will pay the price when Americans overseas become targets for kidnappers interested in the release of some prisoner we hold or money. or some other damned thing.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Historically a very wealthy family came up with the correct solution. They held a memorial service for the kidnapped member of their family and then placed a VERY LARGE price on the head of the kidnapper who in due course was outed. No one else ever tried kidnapping anyone from that family.

        I think it was the Rothschild family but can not find a link on the net. It doesn’t matter the solution does.

  4. Robertv says:

    “As president and as a parent, I refuse to condemn our children to a planet that’s beyond fixing.”

    The draft rule, which SIDESTEPS Congress, (AGAIN) will go into effect in June 2016

    What is wrong with We The People ?

    • EW3 says:

      Remember when the media referred to the House of Representatives as the peoples house?
      (That came to an end when newt and the Republicans won the house.)

  5. Bloke down the pub says:

    Well O’Bama has been looking to close GITMO for some time now. Maybe he wishes there were more US hostages being held so that he’d have an excuse to get rid of the rest of the inmates.

    • Gamecock says:

      Exactly. The story is Obama is releasing prisoners from Gitmo.

      The sergeant is a head fake. Obama asked his generals to rank hostages held by the Taliban, then picked the one we’d least like to get back.

  6. Gail Combs says:

    Isn’t it time to ask our Congress critters to REPEAL the Patriot act since we are now turning lose terrorist in response to Deserter’s demands?

    Obviously the US Government does not see terrorists as a problem unless of course they are conservatives from the heartland like Bundy who refuse to be raped by the US government.

    • Gamecock says:

      It’s time to impeach the President. Releasing terrorists is a high crime.

      • Gail Combs says:

        You impeach B.O. you get Biden and Then you have Biden running as a standing president. Most standing presidents win a second term.

        Best to let O.B. make a complete fool of himself and the democratic party (and the RINOs) then we might have a chance of electing real REPRESENTATIVES.

        Now is the time to start talking to neighbors and strangers. You can hand out index cards with key phrases and web links attached.

        Stay on middle of the road topics like the economy and banksters and then throw a lure about the climate.

      • philjourdan says:

        Only the latest crime. It started before Obamacaregate. Try the NLRB appointments.

  7. emsnews says:


    Bush Sr. under Reagan created al Qaeda. It is a CIA operation from day one. Used to attack Russia.

    It remains a CIA operation to this day. BOTH political parties created and encourage this thing. Neocons who love Israel encourage it, protect it and love to have it as a boogie man to scare everyone into more wars.

    • stpaulchuck says:

      please take you meds… the LEGAL ones
      it’s for the children

    • Colorado Wellington says:

      Try to snap out of the depression. You are more entertaining during your manic episodes.

    • Smokey says:

      ’emsnews’ is a one-trick pony. It’s “Bush’s fault” 24/7/365. Doesn’t ’emsnews’ understand how ridiculous she sounds? As insane as hotwhopper.

    • timg56 says:

      To argue that al Qaeda is a resultant blowback of supporting various Mujeheeden against the Soviets is one thing.

      To claim they are a child of the CIA will get people believing you are missing a few screws.

    • gator69 says:

      I wondered how long it would take emsnoise to completely jump the shark with her idiotic comments, and now I know.

  8. philjourdan says:

    Bros before Citizens.

  9. Bob Knows says:

    He is becoming more bold in his support for global Islamic Jihad, the “Dreams of my Father” he wrote his book about. Now he is releasing Taliban leaders and sending US troops to support the Islamic Brotherhood in Syria. Idiot Ameicans can’t figure it out.

    • philjourdan says:

      As with most countries, there are 3 types. Those who know, those who believe, and those who do not care.

      Those who know, know what you said. Those who believe refused to believe anything detrimental to their new messiah. And those that do not care do not know.

  10. stpaulchuck says:

    another Wag the Dog moment in President Runamok’s career

  11. Shazaam says:

    The real problem with the Laughingstock-in-Chief’s latest stumble, is that he has unilaterally reversed the long-standing policy of the US not negotiating with terrorists.

    Now, it’s let’s make a deal……….

  12. gator69 says:

    Skeeter has benn doing everything he can to discourage citizens from joining the military. And it is working.

  13. usJim says:

    President Dysfunction.


    Dysfunction –

    a) abnormality or impairment in the function of a specified bodily organ or system.
    “bowel dysfunction”

    b) deviation from the norms of social behavior in a way regarded as bad.
    “inner-city dysfunction”, “presidential dysfunction”


  14. Hugh K says:

    “You can keep your doctor.”
    “You can keep your insurance.”
    “We will be keeping eyes on them.”

    • jimash1 says:


      But how hard could it be to have a couple of these really very bad guys get those sudden brain tumors, or an encounter with a greasy staircase ?

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