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Shock News : White House Science Czar Warns That Burning Fossil Fuels Will Cause A New Ice Age
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Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
It can’t be global warming because there hadn’t been any for 17 years now. So they have to go the other way and hope pele don’t think. That’s why they are now passing it off as “Climate Catastrophe.” That way they have all the bases covered. Either way it goes it’s a man made catastrophe. Which ever way the temperature goes they have an excuse. Especially since the weather always changes. Forget about standard deviations. The weather should always be on the average. “Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure.”
Winston Smith isn’t doing his job well enough. That 1940s-to-1970s cooling trend has been rewritten as a warming trend. The referenced article is clearly out-of-date.
Does this: “a total of about .2? …. a decrease of only 4? would probably be sufficient to start another ice age”
imply this:
“White House Science Czar Warns That Burning Fossil Fuels Will Cause A New Ice Age”?
No, it is a comparison to give an idea of relative magnitude. If I said “20 cents is a lot of money to spend if all I will ever have is $4” would you think I meant that spending 20 cents *will* cause me to lose $4?
Smith will feel the wrath of the rats!
Hansen, Ehrlich, Holdren. HEH, merchants of doom & death.
Spinal flexibility 100%. Integrity zero.
What doth it profit a man…?
I still have a rather battered copy of ‘ A Blueprint for Survival ‘, published 1972, as a Penguin Special Paperback. I read it first, 1972, as a 19 year old student, focusing then on the next pint & the current beauty.
The dynamics of finite resources & exponential growth of demand were emphasised.
Oil demand, for example was going to exceed supply by the year 2000, with, by 1975, of then known world reserves, only 12.5 % depleted.
It was a Club of Rome scare project, with a host of High Panjandrums of academia endorsing it.
34 Names, most with 3 or 4 bunches of letters behind those names, happily signed a ‘statement of support’.
Including the UNESCO Eugenicist, Sir Julian Huxley FRS. Google him.
Also acknowledged for his ‘valuable comments’ is The Right Rev. Hugh Montefiore, among others.
It seems there is absolutely no shortage at all, from Malthus (1798) to now, of clerical & academic
control freak cowards anxious to slaughter their fellow human beings for fear of a possible future problem.
1972 was also the year the murderous EPA falsely banned DDT as carcinogenic.
60 million deaths, mostly children in the third world since then, maybe 80 million.
More than Stalin killed, more than Hitler & Mao.
And now it looks rather possible that our beautiful & marvellous planet is a pressure cooker,
manufacturing oil, water & natural gas within the mantle :
References to follow.
Thanks for weighing in with your memories – I too read Holdren, Erhlich et al in my youth.
Ah, we’re older now… funny though; new scams filled in right behind the old ones.
Cheers, gregole, for that reference. Reminded me that the ‘Limits to Growth’ was based on computer models, also known as lazy guesswork.. 🙂
Yes, a few years provide a bit of perspective.
Deaths from DDT ‘ban’ : Michael Crichton’s excellent best seller, ‘State of Fear’. Best introduction I’ve so far seen for non-scientists to the global warming scare scam.
Also : Wildavsky, Aaron : ‘But is it True ? A Citizens Guide to Environmental Health and Safety Issues.’ Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1994 or 5. 25 pages on DDT, also discusses Alar, Love Canal, asbestos, the ozone hole, global warming & acid rain.
Water, oil & gas witin the mantle : http://www.wattsupwiththat.com/2014/06/13/new-evidence-for-oceans-of-water-deep-in-the-earth/
Especially the comments.
Now wouldn’t that stuff two rude fingers up the nostrils of the Bankster 1%s with their scarcity based UN Agenda 21 plot for World Control, & depopulation, promulgated so gleefully for them by their murderous & cowardly ‘tame’ ‘scientists’ & ‘clerics’.
Sanity & morality shall prevail.
‘State of Fear’ – well worth the read. Too bad Crichton is no longer with us.
Yes indeed, darryl, a quality man. RIP.
JD. I was surprised, angry, but then I could see why an alarmist and eugenicist was given the position of science czar. I guess they would be happy if us little people were never born.
It goes a little deeper than that, darrylb.
The whole agenda behind global warming is depopulation & control.
It’s not just they’d be happy if we weren’t born, they’re killing us.
Look into the EPA/DDT tragedy. Look into Chemtrails & David Lim.
Google the Georgia Guidestones. Try : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVeA07d2F_I
7 mins. OR : put in youtube search box : 5 billion human beings to be murdered – – New World…
Google : all wars are bankers wars
They’re not just lying to us on an industrial scale re global warming so they can make a few quid on taxing inflated heating bills, or on cap & trade. The deeper agenda is depopulation & control.
jdseanjd says June 29, 2014 at 8:31 pm
It goes a little deeper than that, darrylb.
The whole agenda behind global warming is depopulation & control.
I don’t think that’s it at all, We’re being governed in large part by busybodies, nincompoops, idiots and other ne’er do wells not fit to sit even on a city council.
Those not fitting into the previous imbecilic categories are inclined to be psychopaths or sociopaths hell bent on power for power’s sake. The fraction left haven’t a wit of sense when it comes to engineering, physics, chemistry or any other applied science field that makes things ‘work’ in the real world.
That, in short, is how I see it.
Why do you guys always have to go so fringe? Both you and Tony/Steve are Chemtrails nuts. You lose credibility in your other arguments. I noticed that Michael Crichton didn’t mention them in “State of Fear”. They are only meteorological events that happen as jet exhaust reacts to certain atmospheric conditions.
What are you lying about now?
Michael Crichton’s book was published 2004. The World has moved on.
re: duke1959 June 29, 2014 at 10:14 pm
Ascribing to the many the words of a few, since, perhaps 1959 …
Perhaps specializing in strawman constructs as well; yet to be seen, such talent as that.
Jim, the man who abhors information, imparts no information again, preferring to indulge in a little name calling. If that’s your bag, Jim…
Google May 1st 1776.
4 sites to impart some info : OR : below, means put in youtube search box, if references given do not work.
An article, most illuminating.
OR : Pawns In The Game Video of a speech by William Guy Carr
1 hr 35 mins. 14 Oct 2012.
Helps to find his free online book. Even more illuminating.
OR ; youtube & : The Money Masters – the Rothschilds mafia controls the Fed and…
3 hrs 30 mins & worth it.
OR : Ted Gunderson – CIA & Satanism
1 hr 9 mins
re: jdseanjd June 29, 2014 at 11:14 pm
The man (or ???) who is accepting, without proof, any and all conspiracy theories …
One wonders how much business experience or other practical experience you have in the world, outside of the (probably) narrow field of your specialty (you know, your occupation of job experience.)
In past years, people like yourself would gravitate towards being a “Bircher”, a member of the conspiratorially-minded group called the John Birch Society.
So, you’re involved in nothing new, peddling nothing new, instead you’ve got the same-old same-old that’s been around since at least the 1950’s.
The problem is, you’ve now turned into an acolyte for the conspiracy industry. Just like an AGW acolyte. Very little difference.
I highly recommend you search for the on-line account of a “Debate with a Bircher” and get an idea of how brain-washed you really are.
It is claimed that 2012 was easily the hottest year ever in America. I decided to see what the highest temperature recorded in the nation was then; so far I have not been able with Google to find any listings. Presumably those highest temperatures would be higher than any previously recorded. However, I suspect that is not the case. How odd that America’s hottest year would fail to produce its record high temperature!
This was from 1971 http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=873
Change headline “Warns” to “Warned”
This might have to go under the: “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!” category, since his boss [The King, Messiah] may get his panties in a wad!
Agree with jlc:
You should change headline from “Warns” to “Warned”.
If duke 1959 prefers something less ‘fringe’, though I find a plot to lie about the planet warming pretty fringe myself, he might like to try the good Dr Tim Ball :
& put in his search box : “Overpopulation”
His essay : ” Overpopulation the fallacy behind the fallacy of global warming ” is an eyeopener.
_Jim says “….I don’t think that’s it at all, We’re being governed in large part by busybodies, nincompoops, idiots and other ne’er do wells not fit to sit even on a city council….”
_Jim still clings to his rose colored glasses despite my many attempts to remove them. He only see the “Useful Idiots” and not the hand that direct them. The last quote is from Carroll Quigley who was Bill Clinton’s mentor and it states quite bluntly that the Banksters have been the hand behind the scenes since 1810.
Pascal Lamy is a SOCIALIST and not a John Bircher. He was high up in the EU bureaucracy and was World Trade Organization Director-General for two terms. He too says quite bluntly that it was all planned before most of us were born.
SO who were the principals involved in the Bretton Woods system? A Fabian Socialist from the London School of Economics and a Soviet Spy in the US treasury department.
This isn’t something that has just come to light either. Quigley wrote the following in his book published in 1966.