That New Kind Of Ice

The North Pole has already lost one fifth of its summer with essentially no melting.

Nobel Laureate Al Gore says that it will be ice free in a few weeks, which may be tricky given that the ice is about three metres thick, and the  forecast is for below freezing temperatures the next two weeks.

Or perhaps Big Al can just change the freezing point of water?

ScreenHunter_29 Jun. 25 15.47COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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38 Responses to That New Kind Of Ice

  1. EW3 says:

    Is anyone planning to sail, kayak or swim the northwest passage this year?
    Used to hear about lots of efforts like this, but not so much this year.

  2. Pathway says:

    Big Al can do almost anything. He turn the worlds largest scam into 100 million dollars.

  3. Andy DC says:

    It is already starting to flatline. No blowtorch this summer!

  4. Jason Calley says:

    Rotten ice?

    Rotten AL….

  5. Billy Liar says:

    Antarctic ice is up; +1.818 million km² today. Pretty close the highest since 1979.

    • Dmh says:

      Very close to the maximum of 2007, probably less than 10,000 km2 of difference, and growing.
      We could have simultaneous increase of ice extent for both poles by the end of the year.
      If the “climatologists” could open their minds they could learn an important lesson.
      We’re clearly in a period of reversal of the previous warming trend, just 5-6 years after the beginning of the present solar cycle. What more proof they need?

      • Andy says:

        “We could have simultaneous increase of ice extent for both poles by the end of the year.”

        Good luck with that claim, considering at the end of 2014 Antarctica will be well on it’s path towards the summer minimum.

        Given you cannot get that right how can you so positively state “We’re clearly in a period of reversal of the previous warming trend”. “What more proof do they need?”

        Well you stating your opinion does not mean it is proof. You give none. As you can’t even work out whether the Antarctic ice extent will be increasing or decreasing come December 2014 I don’t think your opinion is worth diddly.

        Go and so some reading up about summer and winter / hot and cold seasons before being critical of the scientific community, you are just making yourself look stupid.


        • Billy Liar says:

          You seem to have jumped to an ill-thought through conclusion. What I understand DMH to be saying is that anomalies at both poles might both be increasing by the end of the year.

          From your last remark I presume you are a scientist – pity about your comprehension.

      • Dmh says:

        Precisely Billy Liar, I was talking about the anomalies, which BTW reached in Antarctica the 2nd highest value (below 2007) at the end of 2013, in fact almost at the end of the year.
        In 2007 the highest anomalies were also in December.
        Only uninformed people don’t know this, as it is usually the case with alarmists.
        This 2nd highest positive value was surpassed a couple of times again this month and 2 days ago it was greater than 1.8 million, as you noticed, nearly the same as in 2007.
        With the present steady growing trend it won’t be any surprise, for any well informed person, if the highest anomaly ever recorded (since the 1970’s) happens in the next few months.
        When I said that the ice is growing in both poles, as it is, I was obviously referring to the increased average extent from season to season, but “smart people” come here to tell us that the ice decreases in the summer, go figure! 🙂
        The trend of increasing anomalies is evident in both poles ice extents, as the graphs of “cryosphere today” show- probably where you got the data for your comment:
        Arctic ice
        and Antarctic ice
        Only blind people, like the alarmists and their “scientists”, cannot see that the previous warming trend- of the last century- clearly ended around 2006-07 and we’re presently in a well defined cooling trend, oceans cooling, polar ice extents increasing, low frequency and low intensity of El Nino’s, etc..
        The polar ices naturally reflected the warming trend of the XX century (caused by strong solar cycles- some people call the XX century a period of solar “grand maximum”) and had strong oscillations of ice anomalies.
        In the case of the Arctic, there was a well defined warming trend from ~ 1995 to 2007, however, even the Arctic anomalies started to recover since 2008 (despite the very low minimum of 2012, which BTW was the year when it was also registered *the highest Arctic anomaly* of recent years- little above average in April).
        The present steady growth of Antarctic ice started in 2011 and continues apace, and the great recovery of the Arctic ice clearly started last year, after a transition period from ~ 2008 to 2012 when the previous warming trend stopped.
        We have all reasons- as this post of Steve exemplifies- to believe that the recovery will continue this year, and in the years to come.
        We have this year almost the same pattern of NP temperatures (from DMI analysis) as 2013, but the MYI is greater and N. Atlantic is colder,
        and, as Joe B. noticed, even NOAA knows that,

        Last but not least, I really, really don’t want to convince any alarmist of the truth of my words, they “believe” what they want, after all AGW is some kind of religion for them. We all *know* that AGW has nothing to do with science and the objective analysis of the measured data.

  6. northernont says:

    Who needs real ice. They will just plug in their models and proclaim to the world the ice is melted and its worse then ever.

  7. Tel says:

    Or perhaps Big Al can just change the freezing point of water?

    Much easier than that. Just make a movie about melting ice and force school kids to watch it. Call the cops if anyone gets caught asking questions.

  8. darwin says:

    Arctic ice still hasn’t reached the levels reached at the end of the last cooling period, (which oddly enough is where the climate scammers start their baseline). That’s all the climate fanatics care about. They don’t care if it melts every summer and comes back in winter. It must reach that magical volume or the Sea Ice gods will reign havoc upon the earth.

    Winter must be a bad time for climate fanatics. They can only hope for polar vortexes and a bearded Al Gore coming out of his cave to preach the end of the world and rally the troops.

  9. Martin says:

    Hi Steve, I just noticed this “ice temperature” map on another DMI page – not sure if it’s new – a useful visual guide to surface temperatures

    • Dave N says:

      That is cool, however it leaves me wondering what the white areas mean. Satellite can’t “see” them?

      • Anthony S says:

        That’s rotten ice, which the satellites can’t read.

      • Martin says:

        It is a shame that there is not a statement defining the white areas of the map but I would guess that these areas have no good data for whatever reasons (cloud cover?) It is good to see that unlike other organisations DMI don’t make stuff up if they have no real data !

  10. Eliza says:

    Just posted this at Watts et al
    une 25, 2014 at 3:08 pm

    I think this site is really falling for it. has anyone actually visited the NOAA or NCDC monthly report sites??? Its all about the warmest 100th month in the last 1000 years etc. They are totally biased toward the AGW agenda. In regards to Goddard’s site all I know is that nearly all his analysis of past temperatures especially USA ones, adjustments have been spot on. The one in contention is just one of many. For example adjustments of USA temperatures re 1934 V current warmest etc. All the articles and data from the past are not faked. No wonder the warmistas are SH@@@ scared of him as he keeps a meticulous record of ALL data and articles. The likes of Zeke etc and Mosher who are simply computer geekwarmist trolls in my view (vist their sites) basically live off or love modeling, the curse of climate science as they shall find out no doubt in coming years. LOL. By the way Goddards contention seems to be completely supported by John Coleman etc.Just check his show on USA temperature data tampering. BTW what about BOM, New Zealand data tampering. Of course Goddard is right and you are way wrong. My respect for this site dived dramatically when Watts as an excuse posted at Lucias site the fact the Goddard was a pseudonym (who gives a royal ####, its the data stupid!). You’ve lost me anyway until you get the message that AGW is over, finito, it ain’t happening ect. and you are basically feeding the warmist trolls here

  11. tom0mason says:

    But as someone call nic just reminded me (because he says California is too hot in the summer) we must think of the poor Polar bears. There I’ve done it now they’ll be quite alright. 🙂

    What nic failed to explain was why million of people must suffer because the moron-in-chief says so.

    • _Jim says:

      If the moron-in-chief was selling old-time ‘indulgences’ or showing us ‘the pathway to heaven’ it might be a different story, but, it seems to be just for the polar bears …

      • tom0mason says:

        Just read this
        “House Speaker John Boehner announced Wednesday he plans to file suit against President Obama over his alleged abuse of executive power.

        “This is not about impeachment — it’s about him faithfully executing the laws of this country,” Boehner said. ”


        • _Jim says:

          It’s about time. Levin mentioned ‘involving the judiciary’ a week or so back. Some judges have egos too, and like to maintain their ‘status’ too. Congress has kinda punted on all this …

        • Boehner never follows through with anything. he just keeps other republicans from doing anything useful.

        • tom0mason says:

          Well House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is with you on that when she ridiculed the prospect of a suit against the president.

          I live in hope.

        • Yeah, I’m as anti-Obama as anything, but I don’t think it’s constitutional to sue the SCOAMF while he’s in office.

  12. Windsong says:

    Dr. Susan Crockford over at has some choice words about recent PSA’s/fundraising attempts showing plump polar bears in search of this New Kind of Ice. Just how are the alarmists going to explain the coming need to air drop Lipitor to these overfed bears?

    Seriously, if you ever encounter a person with their knickers in a twist over the “poor bears,” send them to the above site.

  13. John Silver says:

    Actually Al did that. A bit. The freezing point of seawater of a salinity of 35 ppt as in the Arctic, is -1.8 Cesius. Or -1.8 Kelvin as the graph is numbered in. The blue line is 0 K or 0 C.

  14. Andy says:

    Considering we are past the 21st June Steve, when the sun slowly starts it’s decline how come Resolute is getting warmer next week?

    and Gjoa Haven

    And how come the 2 biggest melt months are still ahead of us?


    PS Appreciate you are like Gen George Custer at the moment fending off the surrounding Injuns / denialists / alarmists / all of the above and so do not have much time.

    • Well you stating your opinion does not mean it is proof. You give none. As you can’t even work out whether the Antarctic ice extent will be increasing or decreasing come December 2014 I don’t think your opinion is worth diddly.

      Go and so some reading up about summer and winter / hot and cold seasons before being critical of the scientific community, you are just making yourself look stupid.

    • Gail Combs says:

      This is the second year when Arctic temperatures were below normal for the summer months. Not to mention record breaking Antarctic Sea ICE.

      “And how come the 2 biggest melt months are still ahead of us?”
      you might want to take a course in thermodynamics.

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