The Advantage Of Solar Powered Cars

If you and all your stuff weighs less than 60 pounds, and plan to do all of your driving in the afternoon in the desert in July – a solar powered car may be exactly what you are looking for.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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40 Responses to The Advantage Of Solar Powered Cars

  1. Gamecock says:

    Having your students make a solar car is also worthwhile. If you are a university looking for grant money.

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Except if you want AirCon in that car . . .

  3. philjourdan says:

    Just make sure you got an electrical outlet handy for the cloudy days. Even the deserts have them.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    O.T. but related:
    I awoke this morning to here the media praising Elon Musk for releasing all of his patents into the public domain, which about illustrates their value. The media were so excited and saying how this is a masterstroke by Musk yada, yada, yada.

    The media actually believe that a Tesla vehicle contains some kind of advanced unique technology that other car MFR’s covet.

    • Justa Joe says:

      to hear

    • praising Elon Musk for releasing all of his patents into the public domain, which about illustrates their value

      I’ve been saying for years that this con-man is just trolling through the patents from the 1850s-1930s & republishing them with trivial changes. His “it wouldn’t be hard to build a flying car” thing was yet another proof that he’s as dim as an empty socket (there’ve been flying cars since the 1930s at least, the problem is that most people are already bad enough at piloting in 2D, let alone 3).

      • Justa Joe says:

        You’d be shocked at how much the trendies revere this modern day PT Barnum.

        • B says:

          Oh I’ve run into them when I call out Musk for the crony capitalist he is.

          Watch them really squirm when telling them how it’s well known how to keep Li-Ion batteries from dropping below their critical charge level and how Musk couldn’t hire an engineer who knew this had to be done. No warranty coverage for a design screw up that should have never happened. No Li-Ion BMS should allow the cells to drop below critical charge levels. It should cut off the power at some threshold above it.

        • My sister is married to an engineer who can’t for the life of him seem to see through that shifty bastard’s marketing team. I mean, I think my brother in law is a great guy, & he’s smart & has a degree in a useful field, but he just seems to blank out & accept what Popular Science & the NYT say when it comes to Musk. Which kinda reminds me of another greasy grifter.

      • Mike D says:

        He’s a pretty good marketer. People won’t buy $40k Chevy Volts, but they will pay 6 figures for Teslas. He figured out that many don’t really care about saving money on running their vehicle, but they will pay lots of money to feel good.

    • Send Al to the Pole says:

      Maybe take all his design except the powertrain and drop a hemi in that bad boy and you’ll have something.

    • _Jim says:

      This might seem to go hand in hand with this ‘aura’ surrounding Nikola Tesla, who has managed to continue his legacy far beyond the grave.

      If one actually looks at the timeline of technology here and overseas, one can see that Tesla was not the only AC proponent, nor the first. Some allege his ability to read several other languages gave him a leg up reading, or instance, German patents and other works written in Europe, which Tesla recognized for its commercial value.

    • Brian H says:

      The whole car is “designed for purpose”, rated the best ever by CR and other significant reviewers, and their batteries are (so far) about half the cost per unit storage, and have 2-3X the total of the nearest competitors, and almost to a person, buyers swear they will never buy another gasoline/diesel car. Any they now own sit neglected with both their tires and batteries going flat, getting driven only rarely, almost out of pity. And, and, and …

      They’re doing something, or many somethings, very right. But copying them would be suicidal for ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) mfrs.

  5. SMS says:

    Several years ago I was in Adelaide on Victoria Square touring the solar cars that had competed in the yearly Darwin to Adelaide race. Off to one side were the remains of a solar car that had been blown off the road by a gust of wind. After musing over what I had seen I realized that most of the solar cars in the race were simply air foils attached to paper mache “like” carriages. Not a very comforting thought.

    • Gail Combs says:

      I have an antique bike-axle buggy. I turned it into a solar power car that runs fine on cloudy and rainy days.

      Sunshine===> photosynthesis====> grass =====> Horse.

      It is even UN approved because it is highly sustainable. The horse not only fertilizes but waters the grass.

    • I remember following with some enthusiasm the first solar race thingy in Australia (what was that, 1988?). Even then it was fairly obvious that those designs would never amount to anything practical: they (the race teams) aren’t doing the research to improve the solar panels, which is the only way to make something that you can use to get groceries.

    • Maybe pairing up solar with wind might provide the ultimate answer.

  6. edward1968 says:

    Toyota has solar panels on their Prius as an option but those panels create so little real electrical power they don’t even attempt to charge the battery pack when the car is parked. Instead the panel powers a tiny electric fan that keep fresh air circulating through the interior so the temperature doesn’t go above 120 degrees or so.

    That’s still a pretty smart idea because cooling a boiling hot car interior takes a hell of a lot of electricity and kills the battery very quickly. The more electric power is used to drive the car instead of cooling it the less gasoline it will use. But one or two panels on an actual car will never drive it, even if you leave it in the sun all day it will make no difference in fuel economy.

    • _Jim says:

      edward1968 June 13, 2014 at 4:30 pm
      Toyota has solar panels on their Prius as an option but [1] those panels create so little real electrical power they don’t even attempt to charge the battery pack when the car is parked.

      Instead the panel powers a tiny electric fan …

      That’s still a pretty smart idea because [2] cooling a boiling hot car interior takes a hell of a lot of electricity

      Do you see any conflict between those two statements, [1] and [2] above; any possible inconsistency?


      • edward1968 says:

        I mean once you get in and start moving. Temperatures inside a car can get above 190 degrees if left in direct sunlight all day. If there is a fan pulling outside air in the entire time the interior will not get that hot so it will not take as long or as much power to get to your comfort level. Less power going to the air conditioner mean more power to move the car.

        • _Jim says:

          Fully aware of the dynamics; living near Dallas Tejas (which is further south than Los Angeles BTW) makes one fully aware of the power of the sun …

        • philjourdan says:

          I live about the same latitude as LA. We get snow regularly. 😉

          NE is about the same latitude as England. But the colonists 400 years ago were not prepared for the NE winters!

      • B says:

        It’s mangled writing but such a fan is more for the comfort of getting into a slightly cooler car than the too small to see over the noise fuel economy gain.

      • Gamecock says:

        Down here is Suhccolina, we just leave the windows cracked open a little.

    • IbSnooker says:

      Audi had that same kind of thing as an option in their high end v-8 sedans since the early 1990’s. The solar panel was built into the sun roof. The car got something like 18 mpg, It was for comfort, not some kind of Green thing.

  7. Andy DC says:

    I hear that large Govenment grants have recently been contracted out for development of a new, revoutionary green product, the solar powered dildo.

  8. Colorado Wellington says:

    She’s a visitor from matayaya’s Mad Max future.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Not only does Rosa DeLauro look like a wicked witch, she is one. She went from barely middle class to one of the wealthiest in Congress. Most $$$ is from his husband’s private consulting companies.

      Rosa DeLauro is the one who was pushing the “Food Safety” Bill for the UN/WTO for more than a decade. Her husband is Stan Greenberg, a very dangerous globalist, well worth watching.

      Stan Greenberg
      was a strategic consultant to the Climate Center of the Natural Resources Defense Council on its multi-year campaign on global warming ……NGO board memberships include the American Museum of Natural History, the National Endowment for Democracy, The Africa-America Institute, the Citizens Committee for New York City, the Council on Foreign Relations, and Refugees International…….Republican pollster Frank Luntz says “Stan Greenberg scares the hell out of me. He doesn’t just have a finger on the people’s pulse; he’s got an IV injected into it.”

      Greenburg is definitely the power behind the throne of many countries. Stan Greenberg provides strategic advice and research for leaders, companies, campaigns, and NGOs trying to advance their issues.

      Greenberg Carville Shrum directed Campaigns in 60 countries including Bolivia That fiasco was documented in the film “Our brand is Crisis”

      An Ad for Greenberg’s new book states “The fascinating “war room” memoir of a political pollster and how he helped forge the agendas of five high-profile heads of state”:
      “As a hired gun strategist, Greenberg—a seasoned pollster and political consultant— has seen it all. In his memoir, he recounts his work with President Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Bolivian president Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada, and South African president Nelson Mandela. Through his experiences aiding the leaders in pushing their visions for better and clearer domestic and international policies, Greenberg offers an insightful examination of leadership, democracy, and the bridge between candidate and constituency. This captivating tale of political battlegrounds provides an inside look at some of the greatest international leaders of our time from the man who stood directly beside them.”

      Greenberg writes for the Democratic Strategist and also formed Democracy Corps He is also connected to D?mos or at least was in 2008.

      Talking about Trade and Economic Globalization
      D?mos is a non-partisan public policy research and advocacy organization…with advocates and policymakers around the country in pursuit of four overarching goals: a more equitable economy; a vibrant and inclusive democracy; an empowered public sector that works for the common good.. D?mos, founded in 2000, promotes responsible U.S. engagement in an interdependent world. It advances policies and ideas in support of a more democratic system of global governance, a more inclusive and sustainable global economy… The Project on Shared Global Prosperity is a joint initiative between D?mos and the World Policy Institute to advance poli-cies on trade, development, and sustainability…

      Even as you respect Americans’ economic concerns, try to reinforce a sense of being “ in it together” with other countries and people. Remember that fear narrows people’s horizons, and that public support for progressive trade and economic policies (as well as other progressive foreign policies) depends on Americans’ maintaining an open worldview. Consider talking about “finding a secure place for American workers in a global economy that works for everyone,” rather than just about protecting Americans’ economic security…

      Make your proposals part of a new vision for U.S. global leadership that includes working in partnership with other nations and international institutions; rebuilding America’s image abroad and mending fences so we can inspire the kind of teamwork that’s needed to address shared global problems; leading with the power of our example and through American ingenuity and innovation—especially on alternative energy technologies; putting our principles into practice in ways that work for us and for the world…..

  9. tom0mason says:

    “The biggest problem with solar power is the way it sucks all the power out of the sun. Just look at the way we’ve affected it, solar cycle 24 is at 100+year low in output, and forecasts for cycle 25 are low as well.
    On top of that sun power is non-rewable! If you don’t believe me, you try buying another sun when this one’s all dry-up.”

    That special script is for all who believe in CAGW, and Nik-from-Where-ever-his-head-is-now who finds it hard to know when I’m serious.

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