The Scientific Consensus

One hundred years ago, scientists were hotly debating why Martians had built all those canals. It isn’t clear which side of the debate the consensus sided with.


MARS CANALS FOR DRAINAGE. – German Says They Are to Prevent Floods When Pole Caps Melt. – View Article –

ScreenHunter_697 Jun. 29 08.07ScreenHunter_697 Jun. 29 08.07ScreenHunter_697 Jun. 29 08.07ScreenHunter_697 Jun. 29 08.07ScreenHunter_697 Jun. 29 08.07

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The Scientific Consensus

  1. Bill P. says:

    Here is how the science cultists answer points like this: “ah, yes, but science discovered that it was false.” (Science in their minds is almost like a living being. Listen to their statements and see if that’s not true).

    When you say “but doesn’t discovery of the truth mean you have to consider all the data?” they will answer that “science” has already done this and manmade climate change is the inevitable answer.

    No sense of irony in them at all. Exactly as you’d expect from a TRUE BELIEVER.

  2. Doesn’t anybody remember cold fusion? WMDs?

  3. emsnews says:

    My grandfather, Edison Petitt, was one of the people who worked at a number of famous observatories 100 years ago.

    At one point, he was paid to chart the ‘canals on Mars’ and his own private observatory, where I used to sleep when I was a child, was decorated with his fine line drawings of the ‘canals’. He laughed about all this when better telescopes and the space program revealed the truth.

    ‘Seeing isn’t believing’ he would tell me before he died.

  4. The only thing I know is what I do not know.

  5. Gamecock says:

    The Martians built the canals to impress chicks.

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