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USHCN 2.5 – Estimated Data Is Warming Data
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And if they are estimating based on nearby stations, why would the trend be higher? The world wonders.
No need to wonder at all:
US Temperatures Have Been Falsely Adjusted According to the Level of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere
It is all blatant lies now–from ALL of our “authoritative” institutions, including academic, political and the media–covering up an entirely incompetent science (as my Venus/Earth temperatures comparison definitively showed more than 3 and a half years ago–and an insane political agenda of “transformation”, alias destruction, of America and fundamental individual rights and freedoms. The sooner everyone begins to grasp the true depth and breadth of the lies and incompetence, the sooner we will all be able to address how to correct our shared path.
We will have to wait for Mosher to pop in and remind us all of how robust this methodology employed by NOAA is and how obtuse we are for not recognizing that. In the words of Trenberth, a scientist that reduces Mosher to the equivalent of a preteen giggling “Bielieber” schoolgirl, “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t”.
Most people with critical thinking skills see through the smokescreen of Global Warming science to this basic undeniable fact. No warming for going on 17+ years while CO2 emissions continue to rise, falsifies the impact of CO2, and the models based on that assumption underpinning the current science, relegating it to a non-issue. The rest of the supporting science is as simply explained as scientists needing to put bread on their kitchen tables.
You have to read between the lines with Mosher. The BEST method is all about algorithms estimating station moves rather than determining actual station moves. This is how I suspect his robust algorithm really works: Stations with declining temperatures are split into multiple stations because they appear to be station moves according to his subjective methodology. Anomalies are then calculated on the new stations and presto, these new stations, because they are split and then anomalies calculated show zero warming (or cooling). Stations that show a warming trend are not split because this is expected. Therefore, anomalies calculated on these stations are positive. Averaged together, UHI warming is preserved and spread though the record. Mosh declares his method unassailable – the planet is warming and we are all ignorant.
I wouldn’t actually call Trenberth a scientist. He is vying to beat Holdren as chief propagandist
Steve Mosher has left his best ever comment on WUWT on this thread.
One big nail in the alarmist agenda coffin.
Steve Mc was really onto something when he named his site Climate Audit. I wonder whether we will ever have a full and unbiased audit of the various temperature records.
It’s interesting, also, that climate panic has been promoted in the very earliest days of arguably reliable temperature measurement from space. Climate has been in existence for over four billion years, and here we are panicking with only forty years of satellite measured data.
I looked for the worst change by State. Arizona is quite illuminating.
December, for example:
About 15% of the data is Estimated from neighboring stations.
The trend of REAL data is negative -.04C/decade.
Then they add in about 15% Estimated data with a trend of +0.43C/decade.
The net result is a new trend of +0.02C/decade.
Presto. Magic. A downward trend is now an upward trend.