Aggie Joke Update

Texas is vulnerable to warming climate


As you sit by the pool and sweat this summer, one book you should be reading isThe Impact of Global Warming on Texas (University of Texas Press, June 2011, second edition). This book, written by a group of Texas academics, is a sober analysis of our state’s vulnerability to climate change — and the things we can do about it.

It is a particularly appropriate read as we suffer through the hellish summer of 2011. While it is unknown exactly how much human activities are contributing to this summer’s unpleasant weather, one lesson from the book is clear: Get used to it. The weather of the 21st century will be very much like the hot and dry weather of 2011. Giving extra credibility to this forecast is the fact that the weather extremes that we are presently experiencing were predicted in the first edition in 1995.

Texas is vulnerable to warming climate – Houston Chronicle

As is normally the case, the prominent climate scientist had absolutely no clue what he was talking about.


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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Aggie Joke Update

  1. rah says:

    And if things were working the way they should some wanna be journalist from thebatt or the Prairie or the Houston Chronicle would be looking for an interview to get his excuse for why he screwed the pooch!

  2. Mark Bowlin says:

    It’s been a good summer in Texas. Cooler temps, got some rain….got more of both inbound this week. It’s all relative, of course, as it was still hotter than hell.

  3. Justa Joe says:

    For those that have never seen/heard former Clinton administration “science” advisor, Andy Dressler, he makes Mikey Mann seem like a non-partisan, apolitical, no-agenda, non-biased scientist by comparioson.

  4. Have lived all of my 52 years in the same central Texas city. This is the coolest summer I can remember.

  5. Brad says:

    I recall on Twitter not too long ago you called him out but as per usual, he contrasted your data with some more data so that he could prove himself right. Anyway, no matter what you point out to the guy, he will not give up the fight, ever. As long as there is any category of drought anywhere in Texas, he believes himself to be correct and righteous.

  6. I was in USAF basic training during the summer of 1980. For 30 straight days we had highs above 110 deg F and lows in the upper 80s – not a drop of rain. The culprit wasn’t CO2 but a large stubborn cell of high pressure that extended from Bermuda all the way to Vancouver. The drought/heatwave lasted from June through August and was finally broken by Hurricane David.

    Other notable droughts and heatwaves from that era occurred in 1974-75 and 1977 (which covered the entire eastern half of the United States).

  7. Gamecock says:

    More predictions.

    “A massive oceanic heat wave is rolling toward the easter [sic] Pacific Ocean, a telltale signal of a brewing El Nino. Dr. Andrew Dessler predicts that there is a good chance it will end up breaking the global temperature record set in 2010”

    The global temp record was set in 2010?

    Predicting “a good chance” is a pretty safe prediction. Though I’m not sure how a weather pattern can set a temperature record. Non sequitur – a weather pattern is not a temperature.

  8. lance says:

    From Alberta to Texas…please send some of your excess heat please….we have another 20 cm of snow on the way right now…thanks in advance….

  9. Andy DC says:

    If you don’t like heat, you have no business being anywhere near Texas during summertime. But the character of their summers have changed very little over the years.

  10. tom0mason says:

    “If you like the climate your have, you can keep your climate; if you like the weather you have, you can keep the weather you have.*”

    *Subject to ObamaPromise™© terms and limitations, conditions may vary – your temperatures/rainfall/snow/drought may go down as well as up.

  11. iurockhead says:

    OK, picky-picky, but University of Texas is not the Aggies, those are the Longhorns. Texas A&M are the Aggies. Although A&M have their share of warmanistas, too, as does Texas Tech (that Hayhoe chick). I didn’t attend any of them (Indiana for me), but as a naturalized Texan, I appreciate the distinction.

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